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Sharp rise in number of children growing up in poverty in working households

Insecure work

Work has become increasingly precarious and insecure, recent analysis from the TUC shows that the number of people in insecure work, has increased by nearly 1 million during the Conservatives’ time in office -  to a record 4.1 million. 1 in 8 workers are now in employment that offers little or no security, and insecure work has risen nearly three times faster than secure forms of employment since 2011.  

The analysis also shows that people in insecure work face a severe pay penalty compared to other workers. People on zero-hours contracts earn over a third (35%) less an hour, on average, than workers on median pay. And the pay gap between workers in seasonal work is (-33%) and casual work (-37%) compared to median earners. 

Social Security

Universal Credit has been one of the most significant social security reforms in recent decades. The government stated that in bringing together a group of six benefits, Universal Credit would reduce in-work poverty and simplify the system, making it easier for people to understand. But in reality, it’s a system that doesn’t deliver for the millions who need it. The TUC believes that Universal Credit is fundamentally flawed and needs to be reformed.

No child should live in poverty in our country. The consequences for children living in poverty and not having the resources to participate in everyday life are far reaching.

We need an urgent economic reset and a government that will make work pay. Reducing child poverty must be a priority in the years ahead.