EIN Presswire is owned by Newsmatics Inc., a privately held company registered in the State of Maryland, USA.
EIN Presswire - Everyone's Internet News Presswire™ - has quickly become a trusted service for professional communicators when organizations need to get their news in front of the media, stakeholders, and the news-consuming public.
The electronic press release distribution industry is antiquated, and many of the major brands still use outdated technologies and distribution methods that are no longer effective in reaching their key targets. However, these brands are still being forced to pay prohibitively expensive distribution fees, and this is forcing clients to question the value these services provide.
EIN Presswire is the future of news distribution, and we are disrupting this market. Our proprietary distribution channels reach millions, including the places where journalists, corporate decision-makers, governmental officials, and the public go for critically important news and information.
At EIN Presswire, our mission is simple: We help the world communicate - we are Everyone's Internet News Presswire™.
For more information, please contact:
Jeremy Fields
VP Corporate Development
EIN Presswire
Washington, DC
US: +1 (202) 335-3773
EU: +44 78 2202 3939