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PlainSailing lead growth in eco-tourism have taken sustainability and the environment to heart, and are doing their bit to make travel more responsible.

We’re thrilled to be doing the right thing – not just for the business, but for our customers, the planet, and, well, everyone.”
— Tommy Tognarelli, co-founder of
UNITED KINGDOM, April 24, 2023/ -- The UN and the UK Government might not be doing too much to prevent climate change, but are - they’ve just reported that their operations were carbon negative, and climate positive, for a second year. That means that they have gone beyond carbon-neutral, and their operations now take out more carbon from the atmosphere than they produce.

It’s good news for the planet, and hopefully another step towards reversing the alarming rate of climate change. If every company could match the ambitions of UK-based yacht and catamaran charter experts, then the world would be a better place, and the global warming minimisation targets would be easily achieved.

It’s also good news for the company, who benefit from some savings made from reducing international travel, and by doing the right thing and living up to their company values. They were also awarded a prestigious ‘Good for the Planet’ badge, which will soon feature on their home page, as evidence that they are actively putting the planet before profits.

The news is another reminder of the rise in ecotourism, and that customers are increasingly looking for sustainable and eco-friendly solutions to travel and holidays, and actively searching out companies who do the ‘right’ thing for the environment.

Ecotourism has become increasingly popular in recent years, as people have become more aware of the impact of tourism on the environment. One of the main goals of ecotourism is to promote conservation efforts in the areas visited, which is where have another touchpoint.

As in 2022, they’ve worked with the Ocean Foundation to support their Seagrass Grow project, which uses seagrass to draw down carbon from the atmosphere. Seagrass is 35 times more efficient than rainforest for carbon storage, and the seagrass is doubly beneficial as it also helps to restore the sea-beds and water quality, which, in turn, helps the whole marine ecosystem to recover and thrive. A single hectare of seagrass can be the home to over 50 million fish and shellfish.

Tommy Tognarelli, co-founder of, said “We’re thrilled to be doing the right thing – not just for the business, but for our customers, the planet, and, well, everyone.

“We’ve all seen the effects of climate change – floods, fires, tsunamis, global warming, rising sea-levels… and we want to inspire other businesses (and individuals) to follow our lead and look at how they can help the human race to turn back the tide of climate change, and make the world a better place not just for now, but for future generations to come. We’re showing what can be done. Business shouldn’t cost the earth.

“We’re once again proud to continue our support of the Ocean Foundation, and their Seagrass Grow project, which is helping to make a real difference to the ocean floor and the marine environment.”

With growing numbers of customer switching away from carbon-fuel-intensive holidays, involving long-haul flights, stays in resorts with no thought for the local economy or community, and huge food-miles for ingredients imported to cater to western tastes, many see sail tourism as an eco-friendly option – especially with the rise in yachts and boats powered exclusively by solar energy.

On sailing trips, you’d typically harness the power of the wind to transport you and your crew across to pristine islands, being very careful and respectful of nature along the way. Reaching islands that simply aren’t accessible by car and eating in the tavernas and local markets is a great way to help local communities, and there are other projects – one of the projects by sees them rewarding holiday makers for each bin bag of beach debris they clear from the beaches, with €10 offered to try and make the world a slightly better place as you pass through.

The future of travel has to embrace sustainable and environmentally friendly methods as we move forwards, and it is brilliant to see that attention is being paid, across the travel industry, to making sure that holidays are good for the planet.

Darren Ambrose
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