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From Oil to Medicine - U.S. Biotech Inventor Reports on Biotechnology in the UAE

Technology Park

Masdar City Free Zone in Abu Dhabi, UAE

Chromovert Technology was invented at The Rockefeller University by Dr. Kambiz Shekdar


Secondcell Bio

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Rockefeller University inventor of technology behind January 2023 IPO filing moving underlying discovery technology to the UAE to realize its further potential.

There is no legacy pharma industry in the UAE, no dinosaurs to shove aside. Stakeholders can cherry-pick from their choice of next-generation disruptive technologies to leap-frog the competition.”
— Rockefeller University Alumnus & Biotech Inventor Dr. Kambiz Shekdar, PhD.
NEW YORK, NY, USA, January 18, 2023 / -- In January 2022, a non-addictive pain killer discovered using cellular technology originally invented at The Rockefeller University was the subject of an IPO filing by Chromocell Therapeutics with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Via his new solo company Secondcell Bio, Dr. Kambiz Shekdar the inventor of the technology, termed Chromovert Technology, is moving the by-now validated platform discovery method to the United Arab Emirates to realize its fullest potential.

For four years, Rockefeller University trained Chromocell Corporation co-Founder, Research Foundation to Cure AIDS President and Secondcell Bio CEO has shared his biotech journey in a monthly column in New York City's print newspaper, WestWiew News. Hot-off-the-press, the January 2023 issue of Dr. Shekdar's column reports the inventor's eye-opening findings on the new and rapidly growing biotech sector following four exploratory trips to the UAE in 2022, and why he is convinced the next best step is to move his proprietary IPO-enabling technology to the UAE for "Drug Discovery at Scale™."

The following is an excerpt of the inventor's report follows. For the full report, go to this link:

As a Rockefeller University trained bioscientist and the WestView News Science Editor, I have the privilege of sharing my journey. On January 11, 2023, a non-addictive pain killer discovered using cellular technology I invented at Rockefeller was the subject of an #IPO filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. In this article in my monthly column in Manhattan’s print newspaper WestView News, I describe the underlying technology and why I, a die-hard New Yorker, believe the UAE is the best place to realize its full potential.

The American Experiment began upon the discovery of this new continent 500 years ago. On a different continent, the Emirati Experiment began when seven Arab emirates united 50 years ago. From my travels in the UAE over four exploratory trips in 2022, I saw how the leadership of the UAE is opening new frontiers. Other countries also have oil wealth, but it is the UAE that has utilized it best to advance its nation and economy to a mind-boggling degree. In my estimation, the poles of the world are changing. The UAE has created the conditions to realize the full potential of transformative technologies.

There is no legacy biopharma industry in the UAE, no dinosaurs to shove aside. Stakeholders in the UAE can freely cherry-pick from their choice of next-generation disruptive technologies to leap-frog the competition. Entire new pharmaceutical companies—bigger and better than Pfizer ever could be—can be created overnight, exactly like the UAE built its mega cities.

For the full report, go to:


Secondcell Bio is a life sciences company established to realize the fullest possible potential of Chromovert® Technology for science and human health. Chromovert® Technology automates and improves the creation of laboratory cells that more accurately mimic human disease, permitting the discovery of superior drug candidates with a greater overall likelihood of success throughout the remainder of the lengthy and expensive process to develop new drugs. The technology has already been validated and successfully commercially applied to a diverse range of highly sought but previously out-of-reach goals. Strategic collaborations with The Coca-Cola Company, Kraft Foods and Nestle used Chromovert® to discover rare natural flavor ingredients for use to cut salt and sugar in the diet. The technology was also used to discover and develop a novel clinical-stage non-addictive pain blocker that was fast-tracked by the FDA and presented at Gov. Chris Christie's panel on the opioid epidemic at The White House. The pain blocker is now the subject of an upcoming IPO by Chromocell Therapeutics. Chromovert® was invented by Dr. Kambiz Shekdar, PhD in the laboratory of his late mentor and doctoral degree advisor, King Faisal & Nobel Prize winner Rockefeller University Professor Dr. Gunter Blobel, MD, PhD. More than $100 million USD was invested to perfect the technology which is now ready for drug discovery at scale™ in the UAE.

For the scientific publication of Chromovert® Technology by Nature Springer, go to:

Kambiz Shekdar
Secondcell Bio
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