DENISON, TX, UNITED STATES, November 18, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ -- This “Free Book” for our “Beloved American People” is over 750 pages long, with many pictures, and explains what has happened to the "Dream" that is "America" and how "We The People" can fully heal and restore that "Dream" once again! The "Author" of this book, Mike Ledbetter, has a "Doctorate of Jurisprudence," and spent over ten years in the writing of this book. Moreover, in the "Author's" own words, he let us know the following: — THE WORD OF GOD
"The “Beloved Creator” of our Declaration of Independence has "Inspired" me to write this book for all our “People,” all our “Families” and “Children!” That is why it is also "Completely
Free" to everyone in our “Beloved Nation!” For our Creator asked me to let it be that way! And so you know it really is our Creator, our Trinity God, “They” have “Instructed” me to let all of you know that “They” will “Appear” even now to each person to confirm it! For that is our Creator's way to let us know it is Him, He loves us, and is here to help!”
The above quote by the "Author" shared, this "New" and "Exciting" "Book" - Nine Sovereign Kings: The Return of God - is free to every “American Citizen”! Please feel free to click on the link below, and the "Book" will immediately "appear" for both you and your family to download!
Moreover, in this exciting "Book" is a section called "Many Pictures!" One will find in that section many “Inspirational Pictures” related to both "Faith," "God," "Angels," "All of American History," and the future of us all, “All of Mankind!” One will also find that the book is very thorough on the subject of "American Democracy," the "Creator," and the "Supreme Court!”
The above being said, one cannot but ask this Question? Is this really our Creator, our Trinity God, who has “Inspired” the writing of this "Book" for all the “American People?” If our Creator “Appeared” to you, as the “Author” said He would above, then we all know that answer! Yes, it is really the “Creator of our Declaration of Independence” who helped us, as “The Thirteen American Colonies,” against all odds, defeat the “Most Powerful Kingdom and Army” on the “Face of the Earth” at that time, the “Kingdom of England!”
However, even so, the question still remains, what does it mean? For in a way it makes sense that our Creator would "Appear" in some way in these “Times of Trouble” with an “Answer” for us!” For if the Creator is real, and I for one believe that He is, would we not expect Him to try to save us, to fight for us in the strongest way possible? For He did it for our “Founding Fathers” against every odd known or unknown at that time where they still miraculously prevailed and became “Free!” For as all of you remember, the world was under the "Reign of Life Tenured Rulers," "Kings" and "Emperors" everywhere, when a handful of our "Forefathers," with "One" they called the "Creator" both overcame and changed all of that in our “World!”
In the above “Truth” and “Light,” there is one more thing to know about the “Author” of this “Book” - Nine Sovereign Kings: The Return of God!" For he believes that we are presently in danger with a particular "Life Tenured Ruler," being why our "Democracy" almost fell on January 6, 2021. He further believes if our Democracy is to make it, that any who we "Elect" to "Congress" or "President" must free us from the "Unaccountable" and "Life Tenured" Supreme Court before it is too late for us! In the Author’s own words:
“I am just glad that I was able to get our “People’s Book” “Nine Sovereign Kings: The Return of God” to all of us! Hopefully, our “People’s Book” will make it in time! For it was truly our Creator who "Inspired" and helped me write it! If there is anything else beyond this book that I can ever do to help the “American People,” I am here! For our Creator has even asked me to run for “President of the United States” in both 2024 and 2028! I was concerned about that when He did, for the thought had never crossed my mind before. However, that is something that is not my call, even though if the People chose for it to happen, I would accept that “Honor,” but only if myself, the People, and our Creator, agreed to all be “President Together!" - Author, Mike Ledbetter
And if you can believe that, he is with us! For in the “Author’s Words" once again:
“Not only do "We The People" need to be the "Sole and Exclusive" and "Last and Final" "Say" over our "Declaration of Independence," both how it is to be interpreted and when a People should ever apply its "Truths" and "Principles" thereby acting upon them!" For as we all know, it was our People who knew when it was time to apply it to the "Life Tenured Ruler," King George, before it was too late for them! We, likewise, need to always be the "Sole and Exclusive" and "Last and Final" "Say" over our People's entire “Democratic Constitution,” if we are to truly "Forever Be and Remain Free" from all "Life Tenured Rulers," including "Life Tenured Judge Rulers," and be the "Rightful Rulers and Sovereigns" with our "Beloved Creator" over our "Democracy” and “Nation!” - Author, Mike Ledbetter
That being said, is the "Author" right? For the sake of all of us, all our “Families” and “Children” and their "Futures," we each need to examine these questions and make sure we come up with the "Right Answer!" Was it our “People” and “Founding Fathers” alone, who had the right, rather than “Life Tenured Judge Rulers,” to decide when the “Truths” of our “Declaration of Independence” needed to be acted upon and implemented?
And the below statement by the “Author” surprises me most of all! For even though the “Author” points out in numerous places in his book and website, as to why the “Life Tenured Supreme Court” must be “Term Limited.” He still believes the following about the Court while sharing with us the main reasons why it must be “Term Limited.” For this is what the “Author” said:
“Please know that we still love the Court, even so, we have to find a way for it to do better by “Term Limiting” it to 8 years or less, preferably 4 years like the President! For the "Unaccountable Court” has even more power than our President in the sense of being the “Sole and Exclusive” and “Last and Final” “Say” over our entire “Democratic Constitution” and “All the Laws of the Land!” Moreover, in any “Government” or “Nation,” it is the “Ruler” with that particular power, especially if it is “Unaccountable,” where one will always find all the "Illegal,” “Immoral,” and “Unethical” activities, that exist in our world, bidding for the “Unaccountable Ruler’s” decisions to the harm and detriment of all the “Families” and “People” in that “Nation” everywhere!” - Author, Mike Ledbetter
Mr. Ledbetter then goes on to say:
“Therefore, please believe me when I say that the “Temptations” of “Power” and “Material Things,” that “Absolute,” “Unaccountable,” and “Life Tenured” “Power” will always create upon the mind of any man or woman is too great a “Temptation” for any person! It will lead to the eventual take over and coup d’état of any “Nation,” by that “Unaccountable Ruler’s” decisions and rulings, every single time! And it was an oversight for us to have ever allowed the Supreme Court to have ever become a "Ruler" equal with our "Accountable Representative Rulers, the President and Congress, without making the Court "Accountable" to us, our Representatives, and the Creator in addition at the same time!” - Author, Mike Ledbetter
The above quote having been shared, Is the “Author” right? Should all “Rulers” of a “Democracy” always be “Properly Checked” and “Made Accountable” to their “People” by the only method and way of doing so – “Term Limits” with either “Partisan Elections” or “Retention Elections?” And if ever just one “Ruler” in a “Democracy” was not “Accountable” to the “People” and “Creator” by “Term Limits,” what might happen in that Democracy as a result? Could it possibly be what we saw on January 6, 2021 being the attempted “Coup d’etat” take-over of our Capitol, Democracy, and Nation? These are “Interesting,” and I would even say, the “Most Important Questions,” to ever ask in a “Democracy,” especially while the “Democracy” is still standing! And I think everyone who reads this will agree with me! And if we all agree, should we not “Term Limit” the Supreme Court while we still have the time to do so? What do all of you think about it?
That being said, I will leave the final words of this “News Story” to the “Author” Mike Ledbetter! For he wanted this to be known and said after everything else:
“Everyone, I love you. And if you can believe this, our Creator, our Trinity God, of our Declaration of Independence, has sent me to help us help one another! Please enjoy the book and share it with others. For our Creator ‘Inspired’ our “People’s Book” for all of us, free to our People, so that we would know the way to both heal, save, and restore our “People,” “Democracy,” and “Nation!” Let us therefore “Term Limit” the "Life Tenured” Supreme Court to 8 year terms or less while we still have time to do so. In that way and truth, please know that I am here if you ever need me. Our Creator loves all of us as we love one another. "Your Friend Eternally Always," Mike Ledbetter
Mike Ledbetter
The Love of God
+1 903-647-6425
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