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Haiti SpaceX/Starlink Service is a Game Change to provide Internet Services to the Rural and Under-served communities

Empowering our people with the tools and knowledge through leapfrogging into the 21st century

DALLAS, TEXAS, USA, August 2, 2022 / -- RESSCOP & DeLaPorte, Inc a Strategic Partnership Company of DeLaPorte & Associates, Inc herein refers as (RDI). For the past three months, RDI has been evaluating various satellite service providers in effort to leapfrog internet access to under-served areas in Haiti. In vetting the top 10 satellite internet providers in the world, we have selected SpaceX/Starlink as the best solution.

On June 5th, 2022 our management team received an official letter from SpaceX/Starlink management to support our endeavor to help serve Haiti. For more information, please visit &

On June 5th, 2022; SpaceX Management issued an official letter to the Prime Minister’s office in Haiti via our office. Subsequently on July 6th 2022 an official demand request was made to the Country’s regulator CONATEL addressed to the Director General, for commercial frequency as provisioned and required by the Haitian law which is expected to be issued swiftly. SpaceX is creating a subsidiary which shall serve as the local registered company in Haiti. Starlink is in need of such permit immediately, the cost of permitting is in the range of $20,000 and up to $35,000 USD a year. In the mean-time, the Dominican Republic acted immediately and provided SpaceX all permits needed and became the first member of the Caribbean to have access to the Starlink and SWARM program.

SpaceX/Starlink Services can immediately be deployed at any location required for disaster communications. For this to happen this request of spectrum license is needed to occur swiftly.

On July 12th, 2022; SpaceX received authorization from CONATEL to deploy a two-year test pilot program for 5 selected sites and 20 temporary units for 4 months use to the “Protection Civile” for the Disaster Management Office including the World Food Program. The beautiful things about Starlink’s system is not a Telecom company, it is purely internet access which does not COMPETE with existing providers. Starlink provides a clear compliment to existing Telecom and Internet operators and is capable of providing backhaul services to the existing Telecom company’s tower to minimize their infrastructure cost and increase their service capabilities.

• Imagine all schools, libraries, communities, underserved neighborhoods in the country have access to the internet, and e-learning access programs across the board.
• Imagine the population having access to e-health programs that can save lives.
• Imagine the ease of deployment of emergency program responses from WFP, UNICEF, World Bank, IDB, French Agency, Canada, NGOs, and others…
• Imagine the population having easy access to financial e-mobile money to support their daily needs.
• Imagine the amount of jobs created and increased innovative capabilities.
• Imagine the government able to interconnect all entities and communities.
• Imagine companies can file their taxes remotely regardless of locations.
• Imagine a better communication protocol in place for disaster responses.
• Imagine having access to obtain information at any government offices as they are
This is a small sample of the SpaceX/ starlink solution will provide to Haiti.
In today’s world the need for complicated infrastructure is no longer the best economic advantage for under-serve countries. Today, Haiti has a unique opportunity to leapfrogging into this virtual deployable infrastructure that will bring the country to meet the 21st centuries’ demand.
The future development of Haiti is in the hands of those who are empowered to support its ecosystem. Let’s make a difference.
For More details about this press release please refer to our site :


RESSCOP & DELAPORTE, INC, a Strategic Partnership Company of DeLaPorte & Associates, Inc. that are working to bring various companies to invest, develop, create jobs, increase the countries’ GDP, support education, healthcare program throughout our ecosystem development programs. We are currently focused on North America, South America, Caribbean Sector, Latin- America, Europe ASIA Pacific, and Africa (AMEA).
The goal of RDI is to support the Ecosystem of countries purely in a business economic development under a created program we call “Game Changer” by identifying the value of the country and its wonderful people.

RESSCOP & DELAPORTE, INC, a Strategic Partnership Company with DeLaPorte & Associates, Inc.

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