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Presidential Order on Bathrooms jeopardizes the safety and privacy of our young boys and girls

What are Obama and McNerney thinking?

“I believe in individual rights regardless of sexual orientation, but I draw the line when safety and privacy are involved.”
— Antonio Amador
STOCKTON, CA, USA, May 13, 2016 / -- Stockton, California March 13, 2016 –Stockton—Antonio ”Tony” Amador, leading Republican candidate for California’s 9TH Congressional District today challenged “Obama’s executive order on school restroom access” as dangerous and unnecessary.

“Why hasn’t Jerry McNerney voiced his opposition to this unconstitutional invasion of local rights,” said former US Marshal Tony Amador.

“I believe in individual rights regardless of sexual orientation, but I draw the line when safety and privacy are involved,” said Amador.

“Bathroom confusion only allows predators an excuse to violate the privacy of our young women. Wasn’t it just last month that the Administration was telling us that women are at risk of their lives every day on every college campus from rape. And then now, they don't see any potential danger whatsoever in allowing a man who says that he is uncomfortable using the men's bathroom to walk in on unsuspecting young women,” says Amador.

“I know that Jerry McNerney has supported the LGBT community in the past, but I can’t understand why he would support this ludicrous executive order,” Amador said.

According to a report by the New York Times, a letter to school districts went out this Friday, signed by U.S. Justice and Education department officials — describes what schools should do to ensure that none of their students are discriminated against.

It does not have the force of law, but it contains an implicit threat: Schools that do not abide by the Obama administration’s interpretation of the law could face lawsuits or a loss of federal aid.

“This action by Obama has nothing do with civil rights, this is about the rights of everyone,” said Amador. “Grown men should NOT be allowed to use the little girls’ bathroom,” concluded Amador.

John Feliz
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