The Newsroom of Miskitu Nation in Exile

Miskitu Human Rights Press Releases

  • Published on November 9, 2017 - 20:51 GMT

    MISKITU COAST UNDER SEIGE: Violence erupts after elections.

    Heather Nauert Department Spokesperson said: "The U S is concerned by persistent flaws in the Nicaraguan democratic process... SAN FRANCISCO,, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, November 9, 2017 / -- San Francisco, November 9th, 2017 – On the morning of the 6th after the November 5th election in the Autonomous Miskitu Atlantic Coast RAAN, horrific reports of murder, Miskitu villages being burned, and statutes of historical Miskitu warriors being pulled down and desecrated by Sandinistas …

  • Published on November 6, 2017 - 11:00 GMT

    Genocide for Gold & Oil : Victims Open Letter to Russia, China, UN Global Compact, Inter American Bank & The World.

    The Miskitu Ancient Kingdom Cultivators Of The One Of The Most Naturally Abundant Region In The World Struggle for Survival. WALNUT CREEK, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, November 6, 2017 / -- Ladies and Gentlemen, We address you today on a most urgent matter that is being perpetrated by the unlawful actions of Daniel Ortega and his Sandinista Government. We are well aware of the promises made to your Russian Government by Ortega. Perhaps you did not investigate the matter deep enough …

  • Published on October 11, 2017 - 13:15 GMT


    Reports are detailing and documenting severe human rights atrocities and abuses that are being committed... SAN FRANCISCO, CA, UNITED STATES, October 11, 2017 / -- San Francisco, October, 11th 2017 – The Miskitu Government in Exile, is receiving daily reports, videos, and photographs that are coming out of the Caribbean coast villages and jungles directly from the Miskitu peoples and their elders. These reports are detailing and documenting severe human rights atrocities and abuses that …

    Distribution channels: Human Rights, International Organizations ...
  • Published on July 29, 2017 - 13:45 GMT

    Unraveling the Mysteries of the Miskitu Kingdom

    The Article sparks historical interests of the Miskitu nation as they confront the world over the transgressions against their people through peaceful means. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, July 29, 2017 / -- Cebu, July 29, 2017 – Few people have ever heard of the Central American nation of the Miskitu Kingdom (Miskitu Coast), nor are they aware of the severe suffering that is taking place in this region of along the Caribbean Sea. The history of the Miskitu nation predates …

  • Published on July 17, 2017 - 11:36 GMT

    Missing: Pro Bono Attorney For Class Action Lawsuit In Miskitu-Nicaragua Case

    Hon.Judge.Tigar in U S District Court-NOR-CA-Orders-Rev.Josephenie E-secure counsel before going forward-class action claims against both President & Nicaragua. OAKLAND, CA, UNITED STATES, July 17, 2017 / -- Class Action Lawsuit In Miskitu-Nicaragua Case Requires Counsel San Francisco, July 17, 2017 - The Honorable Judge Jon S. Tigar who is presiding in United States District Court in Northern California case of Robertson vs. Nicaragua dismissing a portion of the lawsuit pending the …

    Distribution channels: Environment, Human Rights ...
  • Published on July 15, 2017 - 11:19 GMT

    The Miskitu Government in Exile is vigorously seeking a lawyer to take on our class action lawsuit.

    The Court has given us 30 days to secure counsel and proceed with our complaint that is filed in the U.S. District Court for Northern California SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, USA, July 15, 2017 / -- The Miskitu Government in Exile is vigorously seeking a lawyer to take on our class action lawsuit. The Court has given us 30 days to secure counsel and proceed with our complaint that is filed in the U.S. District Court for Northern California.This case has proceeded a very long ways and as Self …

    Distribution channels: Human Rights, International Organizations ...
  • Published on July 13, 2017 - 23:51 GMT

    $139 MIL+ Miskitu-Nicaragua Genocide Case In U.S. Court Invokes Political Question From Our Readers?

    How does our U S constitution have anything to do with another government being awful to a group of people in another country? OAKLAND, CA, U S A , July 13, 2017 / -- We felt that this was an important question to answer. Prior to giving the direct answer, please allow us to provide you with some history regarding the current conflict: The Sandinista-Contras Nicaraguan civil war of the 1980’s and 1990’s. The Sandinistas forcibly intervened in the sovereign Miskitu life which compelled the …

    Distribution channels: Human Rights, International Organizations ...
  • Published on July 11, 2017 - 21:01 GMT

    $139 MIL+ Genocide Lawsuit Filed Against Foreign Government Invokes A Political Question?

    The FISA laws enacted by U S Government to prevent All governments from Lawsuits in U S Courts giving power to governments to conduct without consequence... SAN FRANCISCO, CA, UNITED STATES, July 11, 2017 / -- San Francisco, July 11, 2017 – The Miskitu Government in exile, represented by their Matriarch Rev. Josephenie E. Robertson, M.T.T. and Ercell Hendy Tawaska Fleurima; appeared in the San Francisco United States District Court before Presiding Judge Jon S. Tigar on June 22nd, 2017. …

    Distribution channels: Human Rights, International Organizations ...
  • Published on July 6, 2017 - 17:56 GMT


    Their federal complaint alleged crimes against humanity, genocide and torture of the Miskitu peoples. SAN FRANCISCO, CA, USA, July 6, 2017 / -- MISKITU COAST CENTRAL AMERICAN NATION TAKES $139 MIL+ COMPLAINT TO U.S. COURTS Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega Hires Defense Counsel San Francisco, July 5, 2017 – The Miskitu Government in exile represented by their Matriarch Rev. Josephenie E. Robertson, M.T.T. and Ercell Hendy Taswaska Fleurima appeared in the San Francisco United …

    Distribution channels: Environment, Human Rights ...