The Newsroom of Advanced Ground Information Systems (AGIS), Inc.

AGIS MDDL C5ISR Press Releases

  • Published on September 14, 2021 - 12:02 GMT


    There has been no C4I system in the world capable of handling these intelligence loads - until now. WASHINGTON, DC, US, September 14, 2021 /⁨⁩/ -- The profusion of real time commercial and classified intelligence sensor data is growing at an exponential rate. In the commercial area there are 10,000+ of ship reports being received, 10,000+ aircraft location reports, 10,000s of commercial satellite ELINT reports, 1,000s of near real time every 4-hour satellite IMINT reports. With an …

  • Published on September 1, 2021 - 17:39 GMT

    AGIS MDDL Can Be Used In The Hurricane Ida Response Effort

    AGIS MDDL Is The State of the Art Common Operating Picture software WASHINGTON, DC, US, September 1, 2021 /⁨⁩/ -- In a major disaster like Hurricane Ida, emergency responders may come from multiple agencies and from other states carrying disparate communication tools that work on different networks, channels, frequencies, encryption keys, etc. The AGIS website enables real-time, situational-awareness between all smartphone, Tablet and PC users to create a scalable C4I Common Operational …

    Distribution channels: Companies, Emergency Services ...
  • Published on August 30, 2021 - 13:13 GMT

    AGIS MDDL – Data Fusion and Synchronization of 10,000 Data Streams and Sensor Reports From Differing Systems

    AGIS’ Multi Domain Data Link Provides Global Multinational Integrated C4ISR COP Processing and Synchronization of 10,000s of Intelligence Reports in Real Time WASHINGTON, DC, USA, August 30, 2021 /⁨⁩/ -- Today’s military ecosystem has sensors that produce vast amounts of data. There are vast numbers of both Commercial and Military satellites and UAVs providing intelligence. Altogether, the amount of available data exceeds the capacity of U.S. C4I/ C5I systems. It is overwhelming to think …

  • Published on May 19, 2021 - 13:35 GMT

    LifeRing™ 6.0 - Integrated C4I System Can Process 10,000 Sensor Reports Produced By Different Systems

    MDDL Common Format Between Interfacing C4I Systems Can Handle High Information Traffic WASHINGTON, DC, USA, May 19, 2021 /⁨⁩/ -- Today’s military sensors produce vast amounts of data which can result in saturation of most military C4I systems. It has become highly desirable to provide a combined and integrated Common Operating Picture (COP) between interfacing sensors and C4I systems without overwhelming operators with data that is not relevant to their operation. LifeRing™ C4I engineers …

    Distribution channels: Companies, Emergency Services ...
  • Published on February 5, 2021 - 22:45 GMT

    MDDL Messages permit Army CPI2 Satellite Use for Vehicles On-The-Move

    Backup & Redundancy with Hand-Over Comms WASHINGTON, D.C., USA, February 5, 2021 /⁨⁩/ -- In January 2021, the U.S. Army Product Manager for Command Post Integrated Infrastructure (CPI2) announced a need for more survivable command posts that are mobile, that could enable multiple Army operations, have built in redundancy for continuous operations, and a reduced physical footprint. In addition to an improved expeditionary mobility, the solution would incorporate camouflage and …

    Distribution channels: International Organizations, Military Industry ...
  • Published on January 1, 2021 - 06:01 GMT

    Immediate Incident Response LifeRing™ NOTIFY

    Sends an alert even when the LifeRing™ app is not active on the device. Additionally, Lost/Stolen Devices can be Blocked. JUPITER, FLORIDA, USA, January 1, 2021 /⁨⁩/ -- Breakthrough pioneering work has been done to lodge an entire Command and Control (C2) system into a small footprint combination of Laptop Server and Laptops/ Smartphones to provide a very low cost C4I System that enables an integrated U.S./NATO Ground, Air, and Sea Common Operational Picture (COP). The Server component …

  • Published on October 19, 2020 - 07:00 GMT

    Social Media touch-and-feel For The Military?

    Fully tested low cost military C2 system behaves like today's Social Media apps, but with NATO Ground, Air, and Sea Common Picture on a Google Maps display. WASHINGTON, DC, USA, October 19, 2020 /⁨⁩/ -- Social Media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Zoom, etc.) has changed the perception of information exchange. Social Media is appealing because it provides text messaging along with photos, audio, video and video conferencing. Message content is accessed by touching or swiping on your …

  • Published on October 13, 2020 - 21:42 GMT

    LifeRing C4I Communications Flexibility Under Hostile Conditions

    Interoperability for critical communications that can automatically shift to any available method and/or type of communications. JUPITER, FL, USA, October 13, 2020 /⁨⁩/ -- Military and Disaster Response organizations have a demanding operational need for assured communications in time of conflict. Satellite failure, Jamming and Severe weather and terrain can all affect stable communications. Knowing that assured communications is a critical need, AGIS has spent more than a decade to …