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WMO appoints new Executive Management members

Top Priorities

The new WMO Executive Management will be responsible for implementing WMO’s top priorities. These include the global expansion of Early Warning Services to protect everyone on Earth from hazardous weather and so support climate adaptation, as well as the envisaged development of a new Global Greenhouse Gas Watch to inform climate change mitigation.

In order to achieve this, there is a need to strengthen observations and data exchange which underpin reliable and accessible weather forecasts and to harness the potential of artificial intelligence.

The WMO leadership will seek to leverage collaboration between science and education, strengthen public-private partnerships and facilitate access to climate financing. It aims to intensify support to regions and countries, especially those grappling with developmental challenges.

The new appointments reflect WMO’s commitment to geographical diversity, gender balance, inclusivity and transparency both at Geneva headquarters and in regional offices.

WMO Deputy Secretary-General

Ko Barrett, WMO Deputy Secretary-General

Ko Barrett is currently Senior Advisor for Climate at NOAA.

She was IPCC Vice-Chair from December 2015 until July 2023. Prior to this she has held senior positions in NOAA such as Deputy Assistant Administrator Research, Deputy Director, Climate Program Office, Acting Division Chief, Climate Assessment and Services Division, and Associate Director for International Affairs.

As NOAA's foremost authority on climate, Ko Barrett serves as the agency's representative in a wide spectrum of intra-agency, inter-agency, and international dialogues and initiatives aimed at advancing climate action.

She has also held positions in the US Department of State as Senior Climate Change Adviser and Climate Change Negotiator and in USAID as Director, USAID's Global Climate Change Program.

She has over 30 years of experience in the domains of climate, atmospheric and environmental research and services. She is familiar with the work of the WMO and UN communities.

Ko Barrett will guide the effective management of WMO’s technical departments and related programmes ensuring coordinated and consistent interdepartmental work. She will enhance the efficiency and visibility of WMO Regional Offices in relations with governments.

WMO Assistant Secretary-General

Thomas Asare, Assistant Secretary-General

Thomas Asare is currently the Comptroller and the Director of the Division of Financial and Administrative Management in UNICEF.

Prior to this, Mr. Asare was the Director of Programming, Budgeting, Finance and Accounting at the African Union. He also has worked in various finance-related functions in government, private sector, and non-governmental organizations.

Mr. Asare possesses a wealth of senior experience in the areas of finance, budget, administration, and good governance of international organizations. He holds two masters degrees in accounting and finance and audit management and consultancy.

The WMO Assistant Secretary-General is responsible for ensuring the operation of the organization's overall corporate strategic direction and administration.

This includes overseeing the management of regular budget and extrabudgetary resources, finance, risk management, corporate IT, human resources, conferences, linguistic services, travel, procurement, and facilities management.

WMO Executive Council

The Executive Council comprises a President, three Vice-Presidents, the six Regional Association Presidents and 27 Directors of National Meteorological or Hydrometeorological Services elected by Congress. 

The new Executive Management team succeeds Petteri Taalas (Secretary-General), Elena Manaenkova (Deputy Secretary-General) and Wenjian Zhang (Assistant Secretary-General), who completed their terms in office.