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Prime Minister announces the appointment of the Honourable Konrad von Finckenstein as Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner

CANADA, February 29 - The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today announced the appointment of the Honourable Konrad von Finckenstein as Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner. In accordance with the Parliament of Canada Act, the nomination was tabled in the House of Commons. The appointment was approved with unanimous consent.

Mr. von Finckenstein is a respected legal expert and public servant with extensive and diverse experience in law, policy, and communications. For over four decades, he has served Canadians, including as a judge of the Federal Court and as Commissioner of the Competition Bureau. He is a recipient of the Order of Canada and served as interim Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner.

As Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner, Mr. von Finckenstein will continue his work to prevent conflicts between private interests and the public duties of appointed and elected officials.


“Mr. von Finckenstein has dedicated his life to public service. I am confident that his extensive and diverse experience will help uphold the integrity of Canada’s democratic institutions.”

The Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada

Quick Facts

  • The Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner is an Agent of Parliament appointed for a term of seven years. They are completely independent of the government of the day and report directly to Parliament, through the Speaker of the House of Commons.
  • The Commissioner administers the Conflict of Interest Act, which sets out clear conflict of interest and post-employment rules applicable to public office holders. They are also responsible for administering the Conflict of Interest Code for Members of the House of Commons. More information on their mandate is available here.
  • The Governor in Council appoints the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner after consultation with the leader of every recognized party in the House of Commons and approval of the appointment by resolution of that House.

Biographical Note

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