Published on Wednesday, January 17, 2024
In April 2023, the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training’s (RIDLT) Office of Community Engagement launched a new Community Engagement Partners initiative to better serve all Rhode Islanders. The RIDLT selected 25 community-based organizations through competitive solicitation to advise the RIDLT on culturally- and linguistically-appropriate programming and to engage in general education and outreach to better serve historically marginalized populations and populations with barriers to employment. Community Engagement Partners are tasked to represent the interests and needs of their communities in reviewing and advising on RIDLT policies and program delivery, and to outreach to and educate their communities about RIDLT services and programs.
The RIDLT is issuing a Request for Proposals to identify up to five (5) additional qualified community-based organizations to join the Community Engagement Partners Initiative in Year Two. While the current twenty-five (25) Community Engagement Partners represent a diverse group of marginalized populations, we recognize that not all voices are represented through the existing cohort, and aim to fill those gaps through this solicitation. We especially encourage community-based organizations representing the following populations to apply: Native Americans, Veterans, LGBTQIA+ populations, people experiencing substance use disorders, and people with disabilities.
Applications are due Friday, March 1st, 2024. More information, including the Solicitation and application documents, are available at
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