SFA’s Eric Sundby and Dr. Greg Autry address US House of Representatives on New Space Race

Lang Eric Sunby, SFA Executive Director

Dr. Greg Autry, SFA Advisory Board Member

We need to look at the Space Force and space and think of it more like how our Navy secures the high seas, allowing for our shipping lanes and our conduct of industry and commerce in the ocean.”
— Lang Eric Sundby, SFA Executive Director
WASHINGTON, D.C., UNITED STATES, December 20, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ -- On December 12, Lang Eric Sundby, Executive Director of the Space Force Association and advisory board member Dr. Greg Autry, addressed the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Natural Resources for its hearing on "The Mineral Supply Chain and the New Space Race."

Space Force Association (SFA) Executive Director Lang Eric Sundby spoke on the need to incorporate expand government support and funding in the importance of space resources, and discussed the future role that the Space Force will play in the field. Mr. Sundby holds a B.A. in Economics from the University of Oklahoma and an MSc in Global Security from the University of Glasgow. He is a Ph.D. candidate in Aerospace Sciences at the University of North Dakota and an EMGM student at the Thunderbird School of Global Management. In addition to serving as the Executive Director of the Space Force Association, Mr. Sundby is the CEO of TerraSpace, a company he co-founded, that focuses on innovative mineral exploration for mining and energy sectors, including space.

The importance of the U.S. and its Artemis allies playing a leading role in space development was a vital part of the panel's discussion about policy and oversight. They expressed the urgency of the U.S. and its allies being the first to develop space resources for economic and national security reasons.

According to Sundby, "We need to look at the Space Force and think of it more like how our Navy secures the high seas, which allows for our shipping lanes and our conduct of industry and commerce in the ocean, the same of which we will do space."

SFA advisory board member Dr. Autry spoke to the urgency of the U.S. and its allies being the first to develop space resources for economic and national security reasons. He shared examples of how U.S. citizens and people across the world have benefited from past investments in space. Dr. Autry is an American space policy expert, educator, entrepreneur, and author. He is the Clinical Professor (FSC) and Director of the Thunderbird Initiative for Space Leadership, Policy, and Business at the Thunderbird School of Global Management at Arizona State University.

The Space Force Association is committed to achieving superior national space power by shaping a Space Force that provides credible deterrence in competition, dominant capability in combat, and professional services for all partners.

The organization's three pillars are to research, inform, and advocate for creative and responsible space domain solutions, promote space literacy and support, and advocate for our Space Force Guardians, industry, and allies in their efforts to secure our Nation’s interest in, from, and to space.

About the Space Force Association:
The Space Force Association (SFA) is the only independent, 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that serves as a professional military association whose sole focus is supporting the United States Space Force, United States Space Command, U.S. national spacepower at large, and our global partners and allies' efforts in space exploration. Its core functions are to research, inform, and advocate to achieve superior spacepower by shaping a Space Force that provides credible deterrence in competition, dominant capability in combat, and professional services for all partners. In addition, the SFA has an essential function to provide support for the men and women of the U.S. Space Force. Membership is open to both military and civilians. For more information on the SFA, please visit ussfa.org.

Rhonda Sheya
Space Force Association
+1 720-345-4969
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