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Opening of an administrative building of "Bokhtar Transport Service" SUE and presentation of a project "Development of public transport in Khatlon Province"

TAJIKISTAN, December 14 - On December 14, during his working visit to Khatlon Province, the Founder of Peace and National Unity - Leader of the Nation, President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Honorable Emomali Rahmon, put in commission an administrative building of the State Unitary Enterprise "Bokhtar Transport Service" under the Executive body of state power of the city of Bokhtar, and attended the presentation ceremony of the project implementation "Development of public transport in Khatlon Province".

The implementation of the project "Development of public transport in Khatlon Province" was carried out with the instructions of the Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, and the purpose of its implementation was to introduce public transport services within the city and suburbs using buses, to improve the quality of passenger services, to reduce traffic congestion on highways, increase the safety of traffic on the roads and improve the environmental situation.

During the presentation, it was informed that the total cost of the project "Development of public transport in Khatlon Province" amounts to $9.2 m.

The President, while familiarizing himself with the implementation of the project and talking with the officials, gave specific instructions for its purposeful implementation and use of the purchased vehicles.

It was emphasized that if the second stage of the project "Development of public transport in Khatlon Province" is accepted, there is a possibility to introduce new electric buses at the State Unitary Enterprise "Bokhtar Transport Service". All possibilities for this are available in the company's vehicle transport facility.

Within the framework of the project, the construction of the Automobile Transport Facility with all the necessary equipment was completed with high quality and in line with high standards. The foundation of a two-story administrative building with a basement, the construction of a maintenance and car wash building, the installation of electrical equipment and the organization of the necessary infrastructure such as a transformer, the laying of drinking water pipes, the installation of equipment, the paving and concrete covering of the area of the institution, the drawing of horizontal lines, the planting of decorative and fruit trees and flowers and bushes were among the measures that were carried out in the framework of the implementation of this project.

As part of the implementation of the project "Development of public transport in Khatlon Province" 39 passenger buses of "Akia-Orio LE8" brand were imported to "Bokhtar Transport Service" SUE under the Executive body of state authority of the city of Bokhtar by JSC "Akia Avesto".

Also, within the scope of the project, 2 "Akia-LE9" passenger transport vehicles were purchased from the saved funds for the purpose of development of domestic and foreign tourism, as a result of which the number of new and modern buses in the enterprise was increased to 41 units. This measure makes it possible to establish routes between cities and districts of Khatlon Province, Dushanbe City, Sughd Province and various cities of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In terms of speed, light weight and shortness, the new buses are suitable for operation on the streets of Bokhtar and surrounding cities and districts. New buses are equipped with heating and cooling equipment and means of entry and exit for the disabled, which serve for the safety and transportation of passengers.

Regarding the creation of an integrated system of buying and selling electronic tickets for buses, 40,000 transport cards have been ordered by LLC "Avesto-Group" on the basis of the contract, and soon the system of electronic payment for services on intra-city and extra-city routes will be activated. After the commissioning of the "Bokhtar Transport Service" SUE 130 citizens were provided with permanent jobs.

"Bokhtar Transport Service" SUE was built in the southwestern part of the city of Bokhtar on the Bokhtar-Kulob highway, which will actively contribute to the regulation of public transport vehicles and the ease and simplification of the movement of residents and visitors to the surrounding cities and districts.

Out of the total number of 41 vehicles entered into the enterprise, 11 buses started operating on the Bokhtar-Kushoniyon-Vakhsh route, 3,500 to 4,000 passengers use high-quality bus services on this route every day. The residents of Bokhtar and surrounding districts have become happy and satisfied with this decision.

With the commissioning of "Bokhtar Transport Service" SUE, work on other routes began.

Honorable Leader of the Nation, Emomali Rahmon, here instructed the officials to raise the level of service to the population, first of all, by means of beautiful and modern buses of domestic production, and to ensure safe transportation of passengers by activating new routes to other regions of the country.