Cybersecurity Expert Dewayne Hart Changes the Technology Landscape with His Novel Approach to Risk

Cybersecurity Mindset


"The Cybersecurity Mindset" has become the #1 source that helps college students, CISOs, business leaders, and government agencies roadmap cybersecurity.

We are in an era where digital security has transformed our engagement strategy; and drives cyber readiness across borders and platforms. Stay vigilant because we are only as safe as our mindset.”
— Dewayne Hart
ATLANTA, GA, UNITED STATES, December 5, 2023 / -- Cybersecurity expert Dewayne Hart is ready to give an update on his new book, "The Cybersecurity Mindset," and how it has impacted the cybersecurity landscape. Thanks to the publication, many of Dewayne's readers have better understood cybersecurity, how it's operated and implemented at various levels, and how to formulate cybersecurity strategies. Dewayne has raised his profile as an expert and game-changer and has since gained greater recognition. As a result, he is now underwriting new and expanded ventures.

Since its release, Dewayne's book has helped many aspiring cybersecurity professionals pass their rigorous certification tests. Dewayne's readers and listeners across various online platforms have used his content to gain employment and advance their cybersecurity careers. Businesses have also found value and utilized his information to improve their internal cybersecurity programs and risk-based approach. In addition, federal workers have onboarded many of his ideologies and used his content to connect cybersecurity and best practices.

Thanks to Dewayne's commonsense approach to cybersecurity that blends technical expertise with approachability, those new to cybersecurity and those with years of experience can derive value from his guidance and "beat hackers to the finish line." In addition, the non-technical communities are removing "cybersecurity fears" and have begun to take cybersecurity seriously.

Dewayne's content has proven to be both educational and of practical use for professionals and business owners attempting to learn and implement today's cybersecurity best practices – which amounts to Dewayne's unique approach to discussing cybersecurity. As Dewayne said in his appearance on The Chief of Cybersecurity livestream, while many books on cybersecurity focus exclusively on the technical approach, "there was never anything written that could guide citizens to understand cybersecurity from a commonsense approach." Additionally, he has mastered written content focusing on Artificial Intelligence (AI) – which remediates misinformation and uncertainties about AI.

Dewayne has treated his book as the first step in a broader journey that delivers the cybersecurity message: "We are only as safe as our mindset." Since publishing "The Cybersecurity Mindset," Dewayne has gained more visibility across online media as a Forbes Technology Council contributor, guest speaker, and podcaster. He has appeared on cybersecurity podcasts and regularly publishes new content on his YouTube channel. His writing, speaking engagements, and videos aim to connect readers and listeners with cybersecurity in a way that is accessible yet elevating. Dewayne continually expands his online and print presence so citizens can become cyber-focused and safe.

As cybersecurity still represents a new and growing industry, Dewayne hopes his multimedia content fulfills an essential niche in the growing ecosystem. He feels this will energize experts to contribute their knowledge and experience to eager listeners, readers, and C-suite professionals. Through podcasts, live streams, articles, and more, Dewayne hopes to educate and engage new cybersecurity professionals, and established industry leaders, and help business owners take a more systematic approach to secure their organizations.

Dewayne Hart is now available for in-person and online speaking engagements, conferences, special events, workforce training initiatives, podcast recordings, and live streams. He has designed several titles, such as "Stop Feeding The Hackers Appetite" and "How AI Can Accelerate Data Automation," and he can create speeches tailored to your unique format and cybersecurity subject matter. Dewayne is eager to share his expertise with entry-level and seasoned professionals for career development. In addition, he wants to extend his knowledge and help business owners and federal agencies mature their cybersecurity programs.

To learn more about Dewayne Hart, visit and his YouTube Channel.

About Dewayne Hart

Dewayne Hart is a cybersecurity expert, workforce trainer, and business owner with 30 years of technology experience. During his career, he has been pivotal in navigating security guidance for the most sensitive networks. He has mastered an understanding the cybersecurity blueprint and concerns expressed by various technical and non-technical communities. Before embarking upon his career in the commercial IT world, Dewayne completed 20 years in the U.S. Navy. His military experience includes sustaining and securing computers, weapons, and intelligence systems and delivering leadership and development training. He continues to carry his military and technology experience to develop and drive cybersecurity solutions.

Dewayne Hart
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