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New Approach in Cognitive Hypnotherapy Focuses on Empowering Individuals

Cognitive Hypnotherapy promises to help a growing number of clients transform distressing patterns of thought into sources of personal growth, well-being and fulfillment.

Charlotte Melki, Cognitive Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner, believes that each individual has the power to take control of their behaviors, feelings, and lives.

Authenticity and self-awareness are at the core of Charlotte Melki's work.

At the end of the session, I was feeling lighter, relieved and even happy! Mind blowing. I couldn’t recommend her enough.”
— Felicie Escoffier, Professional coach

LONDON, UK, November 9, 2023 / -- Hypnotherapy has traditionally been viewed by many as a means to induce a trance-like state and directly influence thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. However, a growing number of practitioners are adopting a cognitive approach that emphasizes empowering individuals as active agents in their own improvement and transformation.

Cognitive hypnotherapy focuses on providing clients with strategies and mental skills to guide their inner experiences. Rather than relying on perceived outside forces to enact change, this method aims to strengthen self-awareness and teach self-directed techniques. Through cognitive hypnotherapy, people learn to recognize unhealthy thought and emotional patterns, then replace them with more constructive perspectives and behaviors.

A core principle of cognitive hypnotherapy is that the client, not the therapist or treatment, possesses the ultimate power over psychological well-being. Practitioners act as guides who help individuals understand how their thoughts impact feelings and actions. Clients are then equipped with cognitive tools and mental exercises to take control of unhelpful thought patterns. Regular practice is encouraged to reinforce new, more beneficial ways of thinking.
One such technique is cognitive restructuring, where negative or irrational thoughts are identified and replaced with more realistic perspectives. For example, a client struggling with social anxiety may learn to recognize when they are catastrophizing social situations and instead adopt a thought like "I may feel nervous, but I have talked to people before and survived. Other common cognitive hypnotherapy strategies include thought-stopping, challenging cognitive distortions, and mindfulness meditation.

Progress is monitored through ongoing discussions where the client reports on shifts in perspective and behavior both during and between sessions. Rather than relying on perceived outside forces to enact change, the cognitive hypnotherapy model emphasizes the client's active role in driving their own progress. Regular check-ins allow practitioners to adjust strategies and help clients overcome any obstacles in implementing cognitive skills.

As the understanding of human psychology continues to evolve, cognitive hypnotherapy exemplifies a modern approach that empowers people as agents of self-change. By providing mental tools rather than perceived outside influences, this method respects an individual's autonomy while effectively facilitating improvement in quality of life. As research substantiates cognitive techniques, cognitive hypnotherapy promises to help a growing number of clients transform distressing patterns of thought into sources of personal growth, well-being and fulfillment.​

A great example is Charlotte Melki, Cognitive Hypnotherapist and NLP Practitioner, who believes that each individual has the power to take control of their behaviors, feelings, and lives. With her extensive experience she has successfully helped numerous clients from diverse sectors and industries to overcome their limiting beliefs and unlock their true potential.

By understanding how these limiting beliefs gradually feed doubts and fears over time, Charlotte empowers her clients to let go of negative stories that hinder their personal growth and development. She guides them on a journey of self-discovery, helping them to recognize the impact of these beliefs and providing them with the tools to break free from their constraints.

Throughout the process, Charlotte emphasizes the importance of authenticity and self-awareness. She encourages her clients to embrace their true selves, enabling them to maximize their potential and achieve their goals. By shedding light on the patterns of thought that hold them back, Charlotte enables her clients to transform distressing thoughts into sources of personal growth, well-being, and fulfillment.

As a Cognitive Hypnotherapist, Charlotte understands the significance of ongoing support and progress monitoring. She values open and honest discussions with her clients, both during and between sessions, ensuring that she remains attuned to their evolving needs. By actively involving her clients in their own progress, she fosters a sense of empowerment and ownership, allowing them to drive positive change in their lives.

Charlotte's dedication to her clients' well-being is evident in her approach to Cognitive Hypnotherapy. She believes in the power of self-discovery and recognizes the impact of deeply ingrained beliefs. By guiding her clients through this journey, Charlotte empowers them to break free from the constraints that hold them back.

Authenticity and self-awareness are at the core of Charlotte's work. She encourages her clients to embrace their true selves and tap into their full potential. By shedding light on patterns of thought that hinder personal growth, she helps them transform distressing thoughts into sources of fulfillment and well-being.

Charlotte understands that ongoing support is crucial for her clients' progress. She values open and honest discussions, fostering an environment where clients feel heard and understood. By actively involving them in their own journey, Charlotte empowers her clients to drive positive change in their lives.

Having personally experienced the challenges of work-related stress, impostor syndrome, and self-doubt, Charlotte brings a unique perspective to her practice. Through Cognitive Hypnotherapy, she was able to re-evaluate her priorities, uncover the root causes of her fears and anxieties, and develop new, positive patterns and beliefs.

Charlotte's background in Neuroscience further enhances her understanding of the human mind. She stays up-to-date with the latest research, ensuring that the techniques she employs are supported by scientific evidence. This commitment to evidence-based practice allows her to provide her clients with effective and meaningful support.

One individual, who has successfully been helped by Charlotte, states: "I worked with Charlotte over the course of several months to address some deep-seated and lifelong confidence issues. I also needed help coping with Mast cell disorders symptoms. 

Her brain retraining work is cutting-edge, and it is notable how passionate she is for her work. Charlotte is compassionate and dedicated, and she always made me feel like a partner in the work we did together. Since working together, I have felt a demonstrable change in how I interact with the world, and I feel much more peaceful and centered in my day-to-day. She has some amazing techniques that really work to get to the root of a problem, and she gave me some much needed, though gentle, tough love that I desperately needed to hear!

I can’t recommend Charlotte highly enough; she is kind, caring, and so incredibly smart and up to date on all the latest neuro-research. I believe we are just on the cusp of understanding what cognitive hypnotherapy can do for us, and I’m so glad to have found such a committed, thoughtful practitioner in Charlotte."

Gone are the days when hypnotherapy was portrayed as a mystical process involving swinging pendulums and enchanting words. Charlotte's approach is grounded in practicality and the understanding of how the brain works. She offers her clients a modern and scientifically-backed approach to Cognitive Hypnotherapy, where problems are addressed head-on and lasting change is achieved.

Charlotte's Cognitive Hypnotherapy practice embodies authenticity, self-awareness, and ongoing support. Her unique journey and background in Neuroscience contribute to her ability to guide clients towards personal growth, well-being, and fulfillment. With her evidence-based approach, Charlotte is transforming the field of hypnotherapy and helping individuals break free from their constraints.

Paul Stoakes
SumFactors Ltd
+44 1344 238004
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