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SPREP enhances Republic of Marshall Islands’ readiness for environmental emergencies

27 October 2023, Majuro - The Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP) is strengthening its commitment to maritime environmental protection by actively supporting the development of a comprehensive National Oil Spill Contingency Plan to enhance the Republic of the Marshall Island’s (RMI) readiness for environmental emergencies.

The work is carried out under the PACPLAN Resilience Project and in alignment with the Noumea Convention. 

RMI, a nation consisting of multiple islands and atolls, is particularly vulnerable due to its extensive coastline. The delicate coral reefs and diverse marine life in these waters are invaluable national assets, but they are also highly susceptible to the devastating effects of oil spills.

The support from SPREP includes the development of response strategies, organising training programmes, and equipping local authorities with the necessary tools to effectively manage and mitigate the impacts from oil spill incidents.

The General Manager, EPA RMI, Ms Moriana Phillip, emphasised the importance of regional collaboration.

“I appreciate SPREP’s support and commitment to share responsibility in safeguarding the world's oceans. It demonstrates PACPLAN’s dedication of Pacific nations to mitigating environmental risks and protecting their natural resources while adhering to regional agreements for environmental sustainability,” she said.

The Pacific region, renowned for its unique ecosystems and pristine coastal areas, faces growing threats from the maritime sector’s carriage of oils and fuels, and so potential oil spills. These challenges underscore the urgent need for an efficient and effective emergency response plan that safeguards the region's natural beauty and ecological diversity. 

SPREP’s Pollution Adviser, Dr. Zullah Mohammed and PACPLAN Officer, Mr Paul Irving, have been working with RMI to strengthen its preparedness for oil spill incidents.

As part of this work, a stakeholder engagement workshop was held where participants were taken through the updating process that will outline the roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders, as well as the procedures and resources that will be used to minimize the environmental and economic impacts of an oil spill. 

Group picture

This includes assistance with conducting risk assessments, developing response strategies, and identifying training and capacity building needs. This review will also ensure that the plan is aligned with international best practices, consistent with the PACPLAN and is integrated into the country's broader disaster management framework.

"SPREP is proud to work with RMI Environmental Protection Authority in the review of their National Oil Spill Contingency Plan, in accordance with the Noumea Convention. This plan is indispensable in preserving the pristine environment of the Marshall Islands and ensuring sustainable development in line with regional agreements," said Dr. Mohammed.

Mr Irving highlighted the importance of actively collaborating on the completion of a comprehensive contingency plan in the coming months. The finalised plan will encompass various aspects of oil spill preparedness, response, and recovery, further enhancing the protection of the RMI's remarkable marine ecosystems.

The PACPLAN Resilience Project 2022-25 is funded   by Government of Australia Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) with the overall objective to support Pacific Island countries to improve their response capabilities and preparedness to respond to oil spill disasters, in accordance with commitments under the   Pacific Islands Regional Marine Spill Contingency Plan (PACPLAN).