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Guidelines for Choosing a Safe EB-5 Real Estate Development Project—Webinar Video and PowerPoint Presentation

NEW YORK, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, August 31, 2023/ -- Recognizing the vacuum of up-to-date and transparent resources to help EB-5 investor evaluate potential real estate development opportunities for investment, EB5AN, a premier EB-5 investment fund manager, regional center operator, and consultancy, proudly unveils a comprehensive video webinar with a downloadable PowerPoint presentation titled "Guidelines for Choosing a Safe EB-5 Real Estate Development Project

EB-5 investors should watch the webinar video, read the transcript, and download the PowerPoint presentation to discover specific ways to identify real estate development EB-5 projects with a higher likelihood of Green Card and financial success.

This webinar features Dave and Mike Yancey of Crown Capital, a leading commercial real estate firm that owns and manages more than $800 million of real estate assets with 80+ years of industry experience. These experienced real estate professionals offer insider advice on how to evaluate the financial feasibility of a real estate development project.

Watch the webinar to discover:
• A summary of the 4 primary real estate categories and their risk levels.
• Why certain types of projects have higher financial risk with rising interest rates.
• The importance of a real estate developer’s track record and repayment history.
• How capitalization (“cap”) rates and project values are affected by interest rates.
• How supply and demand fundamentals impact absorption rates and rental prices.
• Why long, fixed development timelines increase risk for single-structure projects.
• The most compelling areas in the U.S. today for new real estate development.

Sam Silverman, EB5AN’s co-founder and managing partner, emphasizes the importance of this release: “The EB-5 landscape is filled with projects of varying levels of risk available for EB-5 investors. Knowing what to look for to reduce unnecessary financial and immigration risk is critical to increasing the likelihood of a smooth Green Card process and a timely return of invested capital. This video and accompanying PowerPoint presentation is our way of demystifying how real estate development projects are typically financed and the role that EB-5 investment funds can play in an EB-5 project.”

These new materials stand as a testament to EB5AN's commitment to transparency and clarity, positioning the firm not just as an EB-5 industry thought leader, but also as a genuine advocate for EB-5 investor success.

For further information or inquiries, reach out to

Sam Silverman
+1 800-288-9138
email us here