Podcast Special: Generative AI's Role in Business Success Unveiled by Slalom Expert on ‘Tech Talk with VLink’

Ethics & ChatGPT and AI Podcast-VLink

Ethics & ChatGPT and AI Podcast-VLink

Illuminating the ethical terrain surrounding AI and GPT for businesses.

Having Jim Goldschlager featured on our VLink podcast is exciting as he shares valuable insights on this new era of AI. We're not just discussing the future; we're unveiling it,”
— Sharad Patney, CEO VLink Inc.

HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT, UNITED STATES, August 24, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ -- Get ready to be at the forefront of innovation as a highly anticipated episode of Tech Talk with VLink podcast takes the virtual airwaves. This technology podcast brings together Connecticut's IT elite to dissect the complex world of artificial intelligence ethics.

In the upcoming episode, well-known consulting powerhouse Slalom joins VLink and a renowned UConn professor to unravel the captivating realm of Generative AI and its game-changing implications for businesses worldwide.

As businesses pivot and adapt in the digital age, Generative AI emerges as a compelling force. Slalom General Manager, Jim Goldschlager talks alongside UConn Prof. John Murphy, founder of UConn DMD's Social Media Analytics Commands Center, about industry and company concerns and the future of AI & GPT.

“Having Jim Goldschlager featured on our VLink podcast is exciting as he shares valuable insights on this new era of AI. We're not just discussing the future; we're unveiling it” said VLink CEO Sharad Patney.

Slalom, a global business, and technology consulting company, has had a presence in the Hartford, CT market since the early 2000’s.

Whether you're a seasoned industry leader or an aspiring entrepreneur, this podcast is a must-listen, featuring top tech leaders focusing on the latest technology trending, innovation, and IT strategy to make informed decisions in a dynamic and ever-evolving digital landscape.

Mark your calendars and tune in for an illuminating conversation that promises to reshape your perspective on the intersection of technology and business!
This special episode of “Tech Talk with VLink” will air on August 31st and be available to listen to at https://www.vlinkinfo.com/podcast/.

The mini podcast is regularly featured on VLink’s official website, LinkedIn, YouTube, and other social media platforms.

Tracy Gardner
VLink Inc
+1 615-477-4146
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