Libertarian Party of New York Condemns Government's Excelsior Pass Program



Kathy Hochul, 57th Governor of New York. Source: Wikimedia Commons

Kathy Hochul, 57th Governor of New York. Source: Wikimedia Commons

The COVID-19 app cost an estimated $64 million of a $200 million budget funded by New York State taxpayers.

The average person should always question whenever any governmental entity wants to collect data or build lists of individuals.”
— Duane Whitmer, Libertarian Party of New York 1st Vice-Chair
ALBANY, NEW YORK, USA, July 11, 2023/ -- The Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY) strongly denounces the Excelsior Pass program. The discontinuation of the program is slated for July 28, 2023. The COVID-19 app cost an estimated $64 million of a $200 million budget funded by New York State taxpayers.

“This immense financial burden, coupled with the erosion of personal liberties, underscores the government's misplaced priorities and disregard for fiscal responsibility,” said Duane Whitmer, Libertarian Party of New York 1st Vice-Chair and Communications Director.

According to Whitmer, the Excelsior Pass system is discriminatory nature. By using the application, the population of New York State was segregated based on their vaccination status. Whitmer said, “This divisive approach contradicts the principles of inclusivity and unity that should be fundamental to our society.”

The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes national standards to protect individuals' medical records and private health information. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, it applies to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and health care providers that conduct a variety of health care transactions electronically. According to Whitmer, the Excelsior Pass program violated this rule. New Yorkers were required to reveal their personal health information, including vaccine status, in order to gain access to many businesses and services.

Because of the Excelsior Pass system, restaurants in New York City refused indoor dining to people who did not disclose proof of vaccination. Restaurants and other businesses were compelled to comply with the Excelsior Pass requirements, or risk shutdown.

Whitmer said, “This is another example of failed security theater. The average person should always question whenever any governmental entity wants to collect data or build lists of individuals. If you read the fine print, they openly admit they can share the data with other organizations, including law enforcement, without the consent of the individual. Knowing the political class of New York, it won’t be long until the next crisis comes along for the next database.”

The Libertarian Party of New York stated that it calls upon all liberty-minded individuals and concerned citizens to remain vigilant in safeguarding our constitutional rights and to resist any future encroachments on personal freedoms. According to Whitmer, they will continue to advocate for a government that respects the autonomy of its citizens and upholds the principles of individual liberty, limited government, and free markets.

About the Libertarian Party of New York:
The Libertarian Party of New York (LPNY) is committed to promoting individual liberty, personal responsibility, and limited government. As a principled political party, we champion the protection of individual rights, free markets, and the pursuit of happiness. With a focus on personal freedoms and sound fiscal policy, the LPNY provides a viable alternative for New Yorkers who seek a government that respects their rights and fosters individual prosperity.

Duane Whitmer
Libertarian Party of New York
+1 928-846-4537
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