Apr 3, 2023 - Knoxville, TN

by: Denni Seid, Daily Journal

The Tennessee Valley Authority is offering up to $2 million in grants through its Connected Communities initiative in 2023 for local communities across the agency’s seven-state service region.

As many as eight projects will be selected, with a maximum award of $750,000 per project, to help improve quality of life and equity through innovative, community-driven solutions.

TVA is hosting a webinar Tuesday from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. for participants to learn more about this opportunity. Visit the Connected Communities tab of TVA's site and click the “Register Now” button on the right side of the page to sign up for the Call for Pilots Round 2 Webinar, or to learn more about current Connected Communities initiative pilot projects.

Started in 2022, Connected Communities supports TVA’s efforts to create the nation’s most advanced energy system while aspiring to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. By expanding access to technology, local communities can test approaches that will improve access to digital services, create a healthy environment, scale economic opportunities or better prepare for natural disasters and cyberthreats.

With 14 pilot projects currently active, TVA is looking to expand the scope and geography of communities working to leverage technology- and data-related solutions. The latest Call for Pilot Projects will open in April and close in June, with project selection announcements expected this September.

“Technology and innovation are the keys to improving our communities and quality of life in the region," said Joe Hoagland, vice president, TVA Innovation & Research. He said this new round of funding aims to advance new innovative concepts not addressed in current pilot projects. he said.

“These funds provide tremendous potential for standing up selected projects that will create benefits for the communities that lead them and will serve as examples for other areas of the region," Hoagland said.

Pilot projects under the previous round of funding have addressed activities such as monitoring indoor environmental health, offering coding training programs, installing broadband hotspots, providing digital literacy education, installing solar and battery storage, and advancing educational resources.

More information about TVA’s Connected Communities initiative, including community resources and tools, is available at TVA.gov/ConnectedCommunities.

Click here for more information.