Volunteers and Community Members Receive a Workshop in Recognition of Volunteer Recognition Month at Castle Kyalami

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Castle Kyalami celebrated Volunteer Recognition Month with a special workshop for the community members that volunteer their time selflessly in helping others

I am inspired to be part of solving the problem of drugs and conflict in my society”
— Community member
CASTLE KYALAMI, MIDRAND, GAUTENG, SOUTH AFRICA, April 27, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ -- On Sunday, the Castle Kyalami celebrated Volunteer Recognition Month with a luncheon and special workshop for the community members that volunteer their time selflessly in helping others. Over 100 people were present and received motivational talks from an internationally recognized Volunteer Minister, Daniel O’kello, who flew all the way from Kenya for this workshop.

In attendance were over 100 members from various NGO’s, Volunteer Ministers, and members from the South African National Civic Organization (SANCO). Seeking solutions for a better society, the workshop delved into nation building, truth and reconciliation, socio-economic development, transformation, peace and prosperity.

A Provincial Executive Member of SANCO, who was also present, expressed his sentiments about the workshop, “It was a very fruitful lecture. I am inspired to be part of solving the problem of drugs and conflict in my society. I want to be a good leader in Community.”

Alice Meiring of the Church of Scientology, who organized the special day said “Community problems can only be solved by community members sitting down regardless of color, religions etc. Only then can we generate collective action as a united community. This is our contribution to community unity”.

Daniel O’kello, well known in Kenya, received international stardom after implementing the Scientology Volunteer Ministers skills development program in grand scale in his country Kenya. From this, he trained over 50,000 volunteers and established over 50 relief groups that provide assistance to the citizens of Kenya around the clock.

As a Scientology Volunteer Minister, Daniel has been working dedicatedly to bring stability and empowerment to his country in the face of many deadly and unpleasant social issues using the Tools for Life program from L. Ron Hubbard.

A community member who was part of the workshop said, “My favorite part of the seminar was when Mr. Daniel Okello taught us how to better help our communities. I want to help tackle the drug pandemic that has devastated our country and I am now even more inspired to do so”.

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers is an international network of volunteers dedicated to bringing indiscriminate help wherever and whenever. They come fully trained with an array of skills for resolving any situation—from rescuing failing students or getting addicts off drugs, to alleviating emotional trauma of physical injuries, salvaging troubled relationships or solving human conflicts.

Sandile Hlayisi
Church of Scientology South Africa
+27 61 907 9325
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