STARRS Continues To Expand the Nonprofits Understanding of American Radicalism



Dr. Ron Scott, President & CEO STARRS

STARRS is a 501(c)3 organization operating to provide educational information related to racism and radicalism in the military.

Our team continues to look at radicalism in our military and its effect on society and its institutions such as government, the military, academia, corporations, and more.”
— STARRS President Dr. Ronald J. Scott, Jr.
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, UNITED STATES, April 21, 2023/ -- Researchers at Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Service, Inc. (STARRS) continue to expand their understanding of the nature of American radicalism, according to STARRS President Dr. Ronald J. Scott, Jr.

“Our team continues to look at radicalism in our military and its effect on society and its institutions such as government, the military, academia, corporations, and more.”

“A particular area of interest is the difference between political ideology and political philosophy and how they shape cultural values and behaviors within society and its institutions,” Scott said. “Political ideology appears prescriptive and tends to be a blueprint for shaping social order; whereas political philosophy is descriptive and addresses the nature of governance.”

The common misunderstanding of ideology versus philosophy is most evident in the use of democracy and republic in public discourse. “Is America a democracy or republic?” Scott asks. “If the question refers to a system of governing, America is not a democracy; it is a republic. James Madison explained the importance of this distinction in Federalist Paper Number 10.

STARRS advances the importance of learning the distinction between a democracy and a republic through civics education. “This is important because those Americans who aspire to serve their Nation in the uniform of our armed forces must clearly understand what is meant by their oath to ‘support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic,’ Scott said. “The Constitution is a political document based on a political philosophy, not a political ideology.".

Of concern, according to Lieutenant General Rod Bishop, Air Force, Retired, STARRS Chairman, is that an institution such as the Department of Defense has allowed political ideology, such as Critical Race Theory, to be advanced and enforced through Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) staff.

STARRS expressed these concerns in a letter to the Secretary of Defense.

More recently, Elaine Donnelly published analysis and similar concerns in The Federalist.

Established in the Spring of 2021, STARRS is a 501(c)3 approved organization that operates primarily to provide educational information related to racism and radicalism in the military. [Note: radicalism in the organization’s title is based on Michigan State University’s definition: “the beliefs or actions of individuals, groups, or organizations who advocate for thorough or complete social and/or political reform to achieve an alternative vision of American society.” []

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