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Identec Solutions Releases New Version of Crew Companion

Crew Companion 1.3

Crew Companion 1.3

Crew Companion 1.3

Crew Companion 1.3

Crew Companion Underground Safety Monitoring

Crew Companion Underground Safety Monitoring

IDENTEC SOLUTIONS has published Crew Companion 1.3, the industry-leading automatic mustering solution for mining operations.

LUSTENAU, AUSTRIA, April 13, 2023/ -- IDENTEC SOLUTIONS, a leading supplier of innovative miner technology and wireless solutions, has completed the release of their newest Crew Companion version, a lightweight personnel safety and productivity solution. This release includes automated messaging to alarm crew to leave a zone for safety when a scheduled blast is to occur.

To meet our customers' expectations, IDENTEC SOLUTIONS is happy to announce the latest release of Crew Companion (1.3). New features include the possibility of automatic SMS notifications to selected users. For example, in case of a planned blast, a text message informs all tag holders in the affected zones to evacuate to a safe place in time. The new feature will improve the efficiency of operations by avoiding search activities for non-accounted personnel and postponing the blast.

Message creation is fully customisable and can be tailored to the customer's needs. The SMS notification can be pre-scheduled or sent instantly. The feature is already implemented at one of our partners – LKAB, Europe's leading iron-ore producer at home in Sweden.

In response to the high Swedish safety standards, LKAB implemented various measures to increase workplace safety further. Many previously performed tasks in underground machines are now remotely controlled by operators at a safe distance. The blasted rock is excavated remotely and moved to be collected in shafts for further transportation by automated trains. Eventually, the safety efforts yielded results: from 100 accidents per million work hours in 1980 to 6.8 accidents in 2019.

The system advises you to change the tag with a low battery level.

"With Crew Companion 1.3, we raise the bar for safe mining and high productivity again", says Geir Nerbø, VP Sales Mining at IDENTEC SOLUTIONS, "you have to be on time with all underground processes to remain safe and productive. You have to trust in operations."


Crew Companion uses a personnel transponder that is easily carried in a pocket or around the neck. It helps the control room operator know exactly where personnel are - at all times and to ensure they are well clear when it nears blast time. If an emergency occurs, Crew Companion lets the operator know if people have reached designated safe areas or exited the mine.

Mark Buzinkay
Identec Solutions
+43 55778738716
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Crew Companion 1.3