NCRI-US Highlights Its 30 Books as Contributions to Exposing Iranian Regime's Nuclear, Missile, and Terrorism Agenda

April 3, 2023: NCRI-US highlights its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

April 3, 2023: NCRI-US highlights its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

November 2022 NCRI-US publication titled, Iran: A Revolution in the Making, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

November 2022 NCRI-US publication titled, Iran: A Revolution in the Making, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

March 2022 NCRI-US publication titled, Iran: IRGC, the Machinery of Terrorism, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

March 2022 NCRI-US publication titled, Iran: IRGC, the Machinery of Terrorism, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

December 2021 NCRI-US publication titled, Iran: IRGC’s Rising Drone Threat, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

December 2021 NCRI-US publication titled, Iran: IRGC’s Rising Drone Threat, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

June 2019 NCRI-US publication titled Iran’s Emissaries of Terror, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

June 2019 NCRI-US publication titled Iran’s Emissaries of Terror, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

November 2017 NCRI-US publication titled Iran: Where Mass Murderers Rule, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

November 2017 NCRI-US publication titled Iran: Where Mass Murderers Rule, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

October 2017 NCRI-US publication titled Iran’s Nuclear Core, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

October 2017 NCRI-US publication titled Iran’s Nuclear Core, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

March 2017 NCRI-US publication titled The Rise of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’ Financial Empire, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

March 2017 NCRI-US publication titled The Rise of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’ Financial Empire, as NCRI-US highlights Its nearly 30 books contributing to exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda.

The books also shed light on Tehran's repressive rule and human rights violations at home, including the 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners.

NCRI-US...contributed to the effort to improve the lives of the people of Iran and also to make the region and the world...safer from the threats represented by the current regime in Tehran.”
— The Honorable Joseph Lieberman, former Senator from Connecticut

WASHINGTON, DC, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, USA, April 4, 2023/ -- The U.S. Representative Office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI-US) has released a video clip showcasing its contributions towards exposing the Iranian regime's nuclear, missile, and terrorism agenda. The NCRI-US has been working to shed light on the regime's repressive rule, malign conduct abroad, and human rights violations at home, including the 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners.

Since 2014, the NCRI-US has published nearly 30 books on Iran's uprisings, the regime's repressive rule, and destabilizing conduct abroad. These publications provide detailed insights into the regime's nuclear weapons program, missile program, deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), formation of terror units using proxies in the region, and employment of terrorism as the central element of its foreign policy.

The video clip released by the NCRI-US highlights its significant contribution to exposing the Iranian regime's agenda and the ongoing efforts to bring democratic change to Iran. The NCRI-US's publications have raised awareness about the regime's human rights violations, its efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, and its use of proxies to destabilize the region.

The NCRI-US's advocacy for democratic change in Iran has garnered widespread support from policymakers, legislators, human rights activists, and Iranian expatriates.

The NCRI-US's publications provide invaluable insights into the regime's activities and the need for democratic change for a republic of Iran based on the separation of religion and state.

The release of this video clip comes on the 200th day of the Iranian people's protests with popular chants of "Down with the Oppressor; Be it the Shah or the [Supreme] Leader," from Kurdistan to Sistan and Baluchestan and from the capital Tehran to major universities all across Iran against the regime, seeking an end to any forms of dictatorship.

NCRI-US calls on policymakers and governments worldwide to recognize the Iranian people's legitimate demands and hold the regime accountable for its human rights violations, nuclear weapons program, and state-sponsored terrorism.

The NCRI-US has been a leading voice in exposing the Iranian regime's nefarious activities and advocating for democratic change in Iran. The democratic opposition coalition NCRI was founded in Tehran in July 1981, as an alternative to the clerical regime, with the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) as its principal member. The MEK is Iran's largest and most organized opposition group, with Resistance Units operating across Iran.

The brief video clip is available on YouTube and NCRI-US's social media platforms.

NCRI-US is the Washington, D.C., representative office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, a democratic opposition coalition founded in Tehran in 1981 as an alternative to the clerical regime. The MEK, Iran's largest and most organized opposition group, is the principal member of the NCRI. The NCRI-US promotes democratic change, human rights, and freedom for a democratic non-nuclear republic in Iran based on the separation of religion and state.


IRAN: A Revolution in the Making
September 2022 Uprising: Roots, Prospects, and Policy Imperatives
November 2022, 20 pages
This report examines the top 10 characteristics of the uprising, discusses myths and misconceptions, and provides policy recommendations.

IRAN: The Nuclear Talks Game Played by the Regime
Bi-Partisan lawmakers and national security experts reject sanctions relief and IRGC’s FTO delisting
April 2022, 72 pages
This report examines Tehran’s nuclear negotiations game providing input from various policy experts on the need to maintain the IRGC on the terrorist list and build up pressure on Tehran.

IRAN: IRGC, the Machinery of Terrorism
Why Tehran Wants the IRGC Off the U.S. Terror List
March 2022, 20 pages
The report provides compelling evidence for why the IRGC belongs to the US Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO) list and why Tehran persistently demands its exclusion from it.

IRAN: Exposing the Latest Terrorist Game Plan of the IRGC-Quds Force
Formation of Proxy Naval Units
February 2022, 59 pages
This book, for the first time, unveils details of how the IRGC’s Quds Force has been recruiting mercenaries for newly created, armed, and trained naval terrorist units.

IRGC’s Rising Drone Threat
A Desperate Regime’s Ploy to Project Power, Incite War
December 2021, 70 pages
This book provides details of the most important organs of production, use, and export of UAVs by the IRGC as well as 15 front companies used to provide parts.

IRAN: Call for Justice
The Case to Hold Ebrahim Raisi to Account for Crimes Against Humanity
September 2021, 108 pages
This manuscript makes a case for bringing the clerical regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi to justice before an international tribunal for the 1988 massacre, a clear case of crimes against humanity.

Why Iran’s 2021 Election Is Different
Explosive Society, Impending Boycott, Unprecedented Purge
May 2021, 80 pages
This report highlights the difference between the 2021 election and all prior 12 presidential elections in Iran.

IRAN: The Imperative to Reimpose UN Sanctions
August 2020, 108 pages
This report shows how the Iranian regime is involved in procuring and manufacturing weapons and military equipment with the objective of exporting terrorism and warmongering and regional meddling by sending weapons and missiles to expand terrorist attacks and resorting to terrorism.

How Iran’s Duplicitous Diplomacy, Callous Policies Cost Lives
A Report on the COVID-19 Crisis
April 2020, 84 pages
This report seeks to show that the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s campaign to lift sanctions is replete with lies and misleading claims, with the goal of cynically exploiting the coronavirus pandemic to the regime’s benefit. In effect, the mullahs are causing the death of thousands of Iranians to preserve their own rule.

Iran’s Emissaries of Terror
How mullahs’ embassies run the network of espionage and murder
June 2019, 208 pages
This book explains the extent to which Tehran’s embassies and diplomats are at the core of both the planning and execution of international terrorism targeting Iranian dissidents, as well as central to Tehran’s direct and proxy terrorism against other countries.

Iran Doubles Down on Terror and Turmoil
November 2018, 63 pages
This book examines the regime’s political and economic strategy, which revolves around terrorism and the physical annihilation of opponents. Failing to quell growing popular protests, Tehran has bolstered domestic suppression with blatant terrorism and intimidation.

Iran Will Be Free: Speech by Maryam Rajavi
September 2018, 54 pages
Text of a keynote speech delivered by Mrs. Maryam Raja- vi on June 30, 2018, at the Iranian Resistance’s grand gathering in Paris, France, explaining the path to freedom in Iran and what she envisions for future Iran.

Iran’s Ballistic Buildup
The March Toward Nuclear-Capable Missiles
May 2018, 136 pages
This manuscript surveys Iran’s missile capabilities, including the underlying organization, structure, production, and development infrastructure, as well as launch facilities and command centers. The book exposes the nexus between the regime’s missile activities and nuclear weapons program, including ties with North Korea.

Iran: Cyber Repression
How the IRGC Uses Cyberwarfare to Preserve the Theocracy
February 2018, 70 pages
This manuscript demonstrates how the Iranian regime, under the supervision and guidance of the IRGC and the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), has employed new cyber warfare, and tactics in a desperate attempt to counter the growing dissent inside the country.

Iran: Where Mass Murderers Rule
The 1988 Massacre of 30,000 Political Prisoners and the Continuing Atrocities
November 2017, 161 pages
Iran: Where Mass Murderers Rule is an expose of the current rulers of Iran and their track record in human rights violations. The book details how 30,000 political prisoners fell victim to politicide during the summer of 1988 and showcase the egregious political extinction of a group of people.

Iran’s Nuclear Core
Uninspected Military Sites, Vital to the Nuclear Weapons Program
October 2017, 52 pages
This book details how the nuclear weapons program is at the heart of, and not parallel to, the civil nuclear program of Iran. The program has been run by the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) since the beginning, and the main nuclear sites and nuclear research facilities have been hidden from the eyes of the United Nations nuclear watchdog.

Terrorist Training Camps in Iran
How Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Trains Foreign Fighters to Export Terrorism
June 2017, 56 pages
The book details how Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps trains foreign fighters in 15 camps in Iran to export terrorism. The IRGC has created a large directorate within its extraterritorial arm, the Quds Force, in order to expand its training of foreign mercenaries as part of the strategy to step up its meddling abroad in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Afghanistan, and elsewhere.

Presidential Elections in Iran
Changing Faces; Status Quo Policies
May 2017, 78 pages
The book reviews the previous 11 presidential elections, demonstrating that the only criterion for qualifying as a candidate is a practical and heartfelt allegiance to the Supreme Leader. An unelected vetting watchdog, the Guardian Council, makes that determination.

The Rise of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards’ Financial Empire
How the Supreme Leader and the IRGC Rob the People to Fund International Terror
March 2017, 174 pages
This study shows how ownership of property in various spheres of the economy gradually shifted from the population towards a minority ruling elite comprised of the Supreme Leader’s office and the IRGC, using 14 powerhouses, and how the money ends up funding terrorism worldwide.

How Iran Fuels Syria War
Details of the IRGC Command HQ and Key Officers in Syria
November 2016, 74 pages
This book examines how the Iranian regime has effectively engaged in the military occupation of Syria by marshaling 70,000 forces, including the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and mercenaries from other countries into Syria; is paying monthly salaries to over 250,000 militias and agents to prolong the conflict; and divided the country into five zones of conflict, establishing 18 command, logistics, and operations centers.

Nowruz 2016 with the Iranian Resistance
Hoping for a New Day, Freedom, and Democracy in Iran
April 2016, 36 pages
This book describes the Iranian New Year, Nowruz celebrations at the Washington office of Iran’s parliament-in-exile, the National Council of Resistance of Iran. The yearly event marks the beginning of spring. It includes select speeches by dignitaries who have attended the NCRIUS Nowruz celebrations.

The 2016 Vote in Iran’s Theocracy
An Analysis of Parliamentary & Assembly of Experts Elections
February 2016, 70 pages
This book examines all the relevant data about the 2016 Assembly of Experts and Parliamentary elections ahead of the February 2016 elections. It looks at the history of elections since the revolution in 1979 and highlights the current intensified infighting among the various factions of the Iranian regime.

IRAN: A Writ of Deception and Cover-up
Iranian Regime’s Secret Committee Hid Military Dimensions of its Nuclear Program
February 2016, 30 pages
The book provides details about a top-secret committee in charge of forging a response to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) regarding the Possible Military Dimensions (PMD) of Tehran’s nuclear program, including those related to the detonators called EBW (Exploding Bridge Wire), an integral part of developing an implosion-type nuclear device.

Iranian Regime’s Nuclear Duplicity
An Analysis of Tehran’s Trickery in Talks with the P5+1
January 2016, 74 pages
This book examines Iran’s behavior throughout the negotiations process in an effort to inform the current dialogue on a potential agreement. Drawing on publicly available sources and those within Iran, the book focuses on two major periods of intense negotiations with the regime: 2003-2004 and 2013-2015.

Key to Countering Islamic Fundamentalism
Maryam Rajavi's Testimony To The U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee
June 2015, 68 pages
Testimony before U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee’s sub-committee on Terrorism, non-Proliferation, and Trade discussing ISIS and Islamic fundamentalism. The book contains Maryam Rajavi’s full testimony and the question and answer by representatives.

Meet the National Council of Resistance of Iran
June 2014, 150 pages
Meet the National Council of Resistance of Iran discusses what NCRI stands for, what its platform is, and why a vision for a free, democratic, secular, non-nuclear republic in Iran would serve world peace.

How Iran Regime Cheated the World
Tehran’s Systematic Efforts to Cover Up its Nuclear Weapons Program
June 2014, 50 pages
The monograph discusses the Iranian regime’s report card as it relates to being transparent when addressing the international community’s concerns about the true nature and the ultimate purpose of its nuclear program.

Alireza Jafarzadeh
+1 202-747-7847
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Books by NCRI-US on Iran's Uprisings and Tehran's Malign Conduct

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