Comic Kids on the Kelly Clarkson Show

Kat and Reed Horth of Comic Kids on the Kelly Clarkson Show

Kat and Reed Horth of Comic Kids on the Kelly Clarkson Show

The Miami-based group that introduces children to the arts through comics is highlighted in the "Rad Humans" show on NBC.

MIAMI, FL, USA, February 10, 2023 / -- Back in 2018 Reed and Kat Horth had an idea arising from their desire to give back to children in Miami's under-served communities in the best way they knew how…with art. They started teaching a weekly comic and cartoon illustration class for children at Big Brothers Big Sisters Miami. Teaching the kids on Thursdays quickly became their favorite day of the week. They chose comic illustration because Reed had fallen in love with art as a child through Marvel and DC Comics. Powerful messages of “misfits” overcoming odds helped him through his parents’ divorce and led him ultimately to a career in art. If he could do it, he thought, so could other kids in similar circumstances.

The impact and feedback from the classes made Reed and Kat realize that teaching kids to draw comics and cartoons resonated with them. This needed to be bigger they thought. And from there, Comic Kids was born.

Comic Kids became a formal non-profit just before Miami schools went online in March of 2020. Quickly, the pandemic showed that the best way to reach vulnerable communities was through virtual learning. Since then, Comic Kids has taught thousands of children how to draw over 250 different comic and cartoon characters, interweaving books and graphic novels into their classes.

In the fall of 2022, Comic Kids was contacted by NBC’s Kelly Clarkson Show regarding a segment they produce called “Rad Humans.” This production features “Mom and Pops” who are weaving goodness into their communities. Comic Kids resonated with them.

On January 30th 2023, Comic Kids appeared on the show, which can be viewed here.

The Carl Kruse Arts Blog has previously written about Reed and Kat’s beautiful work and are happy to see their wonderful efforts honored by a major media outlet. We encourage everyone to take a look at their appearance on the Kelly Clarkson Show to learn more about the transformative work of Comic Kids. To support Comic Kids, visit their site at


Since 2016, the Carl Kruse Art Blog –“Ars Lumens” — has highlighted the work of artists, past and present, focusing on wide-ranging movements in art history from Action Painting to Realism and covering topics from Frida Kahlo to the Art of Atari. The blog is curated by Carl Kruse who trades time between Miami, Florida and Berlin, Germany.

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