There were 1,259 press releases posted in the last 24 hours and 399,862 in the last 365 days.

February 2023 Data Snapshot

This month, we spotlight the new Iowa Prison Recidivism dashboard which highlights a key outcome important to the Department of Corrections. We also discuss feature that will be deprecated this year in favor for enhancements made to stories. There are also new enhancements available in the enterprise data platform that facilitates watch notifications on stories, and improves functionality of the exploration canvas.

Be sure to check out live training sessions available in February to improve your data skills, and as always explore the on-demand training options.

News, Updates & Tips

Spotlight: Iowa Prison RecidivismPrison Recidivism by Fiscal Year

Recidivism is the act of an individual leaving prison (parole/special sentence, work release, or discharge) who is then reincarcerated within three years for any reason. It is a key outcome monitored by the Department of Corrections (DOC). With DOM support, DOC has recently published Iowa Prison Recidivism, an interactive dashboard, highlighting recidivism rates over the past four years, and breaking down the data in a number of different ways.

Check Out Iowa Prison Recidivism

Data Lens Deprecation

Data Lens, a legacy visualization tools, will be fully deprecated and removed from the platform by the end of 2023. This is being done due to the investment in the development of stories.

Key dates:

  • March 20, 2023 - users will no longer be able to create Data Lens pages.
  • May 30, 2023 - users will no longer be able to edit existing Data Lens pages.
  • August 7, 2023 through October 10, 2023 - Data Lens pages that have been updated on or after July 2022 will be migrated to story pages.
  • October 10, 2023 - Data Lens code will begin to be removed from the enterprise data platform.

Read "How to Replace Data Lens Pages with Stories"

Watch Notifications on Stories

A new feature has been launched which makes it possible for users to schedule a watch on a story. A watch allows a user to receive the PDF in their inbox on a regular basis, such as at 10am every seven days. Watches can be scheduled by site admins on behalf of other users or they can be scheduled by internal and guest users for themselves.

Read "Scheduled Send of Stories"

Updates to Exploration Canvas

The exploration canvas is no longer in beta, and is a fully supported tool available on the enterprise data platform that allows users to intuitively create queries using data they have access to. There have been a couple of enhancements that make this experience better. Firstly, users can now search within the canvas. Searching will text match the search term across all cells within the returned results. Secondly, users can also export unsaved views directly from the canvas. This will help provide a quick way to review the data to ensure it provides the expected results, or obtain one off data requests that don't need a saved view.

More about the Exploration Canvas

Live Training in February

Get trained in February! The table below highlights the live training available to state employees with an account on Iowa Data.

Date Start Time Course
February 3 10 AM Shape & Join Data with SoQL Query Editor
February 6 10 AM Explore Data with Charts
February 8 3 PM Map Your Data
February 10 10 AM Create Performance Measures
February 10 12 PM Explore Data with Charts
February 13 10 AM Data Analysis Tools and Connections
February 13 3 PM Create and Manage Your Dataset
February 15 10 AM Tell a Story with Perspectives
February 17 12 PM Create Performance Measures
February 20 10 AM Collaborate with Enterprise Data
February 22 3 PM Data Analysis Tools and Connections
February 24 3 PM Clean and Tidy Data

View on demand training & access the training portal (Log-in Required).

Data Assets

The table below reports the number of public data assets published on Iowa Data by asset type. Please note that not all public data assets are included in the public catalog.

Data Asset Type Public Assets
Datasets 302
External References 160
Documents 286
Filtered Views 324
Charts 155
Maps 186
Measures 151
Stories/Dashboards 43
DataLens Pages 14
Total Assets 1,621

View All Executive Branch/Non-Elected Agency Public Data Asset Counts


Browse the Public Catalog on

User Accounts

Total User Accounts: 137
Active Users: 32 (23.4% of total)

Note: Active Users have logged in the data portal at least once in the past month.

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