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Putting Entrepreneurs in Position: 2022 Boss Elites Awards Honors Angie Ange

2022 Boss Elites Honoree Award for hard work and excellence in Media and Philanthropy.

Angie Ange, Boss Elites Awards Honoree

2022 Boss Elites Honoree award for hard work and excellence in Media and Philanthropy.

Angie Ange, Boss Elites Award Recipient

Angie Ange's growth is merely strategic. Reaching new heights means elevating others along the way. The fourth annual Boss Bash honors that at 2022 Boss Elites.

Being a BOSS of a business or organization is not for the faint heart, as it requires dedication and passion. Being successful is based on the work you put in and how hard you go with it.”
— Twanita Dozier
WASHINGTON, DC, USA, October 12, 2022 / -- The Radio Personality to Media Mastermind feat is a selfless journey. While many see the work of Angie Ange as empire building, those who follow her career undeniably notice the impact she has provided and masses in which she's propelled. What started as storytelling evolved into a life of leadership and great responsibility for positioning others. Being a Mastermind confirms one's ability to not only strike and build on every opportunity, but an innate power to control the environments and circumstances around them for a greater good or purpose. This she's done for countless others; while on her journey, also empowering them towards lives of entrepreneurship. Hence Twanita Dozier's affinity for Angie Ange and admiration for her works.

Personally selected by the Boss Up Magazine CEO as a 2022 Boss Elites Honoree, the November 5 Boss Bash is the perfect forum to celebrate Angie Ange's hard work and excellence in Media and Philanthropy. Dozier says, "Angie Ange is a force to be reckoned with! I truly admire the grace she has when she is on and off the air. She exudes excellence and is the epitome of success in Media and Philanthropy." She continues, "Angie Ange’s success speaks volumes... her hard work, community empowerment, breaking barriers in media, and creation of opportunities with her various platforms. The Boss Elites Awards was created to recognize and celebrate entrepreneurs just like Angie Ange!"

Seeing similarities in both their roles, Dozier was and remains compelled regarding Angie Ange as a voice in the black community. She says, "Her media platforms have created various opportunities for many, as I have done the same with my platform Boss Up Magazine."

Elites must be celebrated. The work must continue, and Angie Ange's presence at the upcoming Waldorf, MD awards ceremony is a neccessary point on Ange's route to fulfilling her purpose. Dozier says, "Angie Ange has traveled the road to her success NON-STOP and with full force!! She has worn many hats and mastered each one with dignity." She continues, "Angie Ange is a TRUE BOSS and a Master of Media. Her success and journey speaks for itself.  I am truly inspired by her."

Acknowledging the work of Angie Ange and the heights ahead of her is an ineluctable tribute opportunity for the Boss Bash Gala & Showcase. Twanita Dozier invites all to share in the experience.

For more information on and to take part in the ceremony, visit to purchase tickets and reserve your seat.

Camille Davis
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