Meredith Beal Receives the African Impact Award at the Voice Achievers Awards

Meredith Beal Receives the African Impact Award at the Voice Achievers Awards

BANJUL, GAMBIA, September 30, 2022 / -- Meredith Beal Receives the African Impact Award at the Voice Achievers Awards during the International Business Summit hosted by the Gambian Government. Also, honored at the awards, the First Lady of Sierra Leone, Her Excellency Mrs. Dr. Fatima Madaa Bio, who was named African Woman of the Year.

The Voice Achievers Awards is an annual event sponsored by the Voice African Magazine. Beal, a native of Los Angeles, was sent to Nairobi, Kenya by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in 2011 to manage a continent-wide program to strengthen the management skills of African media owners. Since then he has visited 27 African nations. As a Knight Fellow, he helped African television stations manage the complex transition from analog to digital transmission, conducting training sessions and connecting African TV executives with experts from the Federal Communications Commission in Washington DC.

Beal also produced a guide for African station owners and operators with tips on managing the migration from analog to digital broadcasting, which allowed television stations throughout the region to expand their reach to millions of additional viewers. During his fellowship, Beal was embedded as a consultant to the African Media Initiative (AMI), the continent’s largest umbrella organization of African private media owners and operators. From that base, he also organized international mentors for newspapers across Africa, linking experts at the World Association of Newspapers (WAN-IFRI) with managers at independent dailies in several countries. He worked with WAN mentors to assist the newspapers with plans for newsroom reorganization and convergence to facilitate better coordination among print, broadcast and online operations. He also organized financial management workshops for finance officers of media organizations and is a pioneer evangelizing the open data movement.

Beal served as a delegate at both the United Nations Environment Assembly and at the African Union Assembly. In addition to his role as Sr. Technology Advisor for AMI, he also serves as Media/Technology Advisor for United Religions Initiative — Africa. Before becoming an ICFJ Knight and Gates Fellow in 2011, Beal was a media owner in the United States for more than a decade and was named Texas Broadcaster of the Year in 2007.

Lynn Allen Jeter
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