Next Z-Brain, BitcoinZ Community's Online Conference, on October 1st 2022 just after the BitcoinZ's 5 years anniversary

This is your invitation for Z-Brain a very different cryptocurrency online conference!

Every year BitcoinZ's Community releases a calendar on BTCZ's birthday presenting some of the most important moments that took place for the Project during the last year

BitcoinZ 5 Years Anniversary Calendar

BITCOINZ  Community Social media profiles

BITCOINZ Community Social media profiles

In Z-Brain Meetings the Community can learn about the recent development, the future plans and discuss about the targets of the Project's Dynamic Roadmap.

Z-Brain is the interactive on-line conference that is organized by the BITCOINZ Community, usually 2 times per year presenting the Project's recent development, news and future plans.”
— BITCOINZ Community
LONDON, KNIGHTSBRIDGE, UK, September 20, 2022 / -- The next Z-Brain Meeting is going to take place on Saturday, October 1st 2022, just few days after the BitcoinZ's 5 years anniversary.

What is Z-Brain?

Z-Brain is the on-line conference that is organized by the BITCOINZ Community, usually 2 times every year.
This happens on dates that are announced in the BitcoinZ Discord Channel and by all the Community’s social media profiles.

The moderators of the Project's Discord and Telegram Channels invite some important factors of the Project like BitcoinZ core developers, administrators of the Community's social media profiles, members that worked in specific projects or even guests from other cryptocurrency projects that utilize BitcoinZ.
A slide show including all the recent developments and news for the project is presented in sections with different speakers for each one and discussions between the Community's representatives.
There is always even a "Feedback" section during which the speakers answer to visitors' questions that are made live using the Youtube's chat channel during the event.

Everyone is free to watch the meeting live in the BitcoinZ Youtube channel.

With Z-Brain the visitors and friends of the Project can:

1. Learn about the development of the BTCZ ecosystem and the the future plans.

2. See a brief description of recent news and the targets of the near future.

3. Interact with some of the most active members of the BITCOINZ Community in the communication channels or even by a representative that participates in the meeting.

4. Even add new targets in the Project’s Dynamic Roadmap by presenting ideas that can be implemented.

After every Z-Brain, an article describing the highlights of the conference is released in the Community's sites for those who could not watch it.

Z-Brain's Importance

The "Z Brain" meetings series which are now an important part of the Project, had been firstly introduced in the 2019-2021 BitcoinZ Roadmap.

BitcoinZ, as a 100% Community driven project, releases every 2 years a Dynamic Roadmap. It is called "Dynamic" because it is not a static plan that a specific team has designed and presented. It 's an ever evolving Roadmap, highly oriented by the BTCZ Community.
That's why the Z-Brain concept itself plays a key role for the maximization of the Decentralization and Democracy of the BITCOINZ Project. It acts as a crucial Communication platform for the Community, promoting creativity and productive dialogue.
The most interesting ideas of the Community are added in the next Roadmap's update as extra targets. Then the members try their best to deliver the most of them. Sometimes even by attracting extra developers with fund raises and certain bounties for each sub-project.

What makes BitcoinZ so special is the feeling of participation , in contrast with most "crypto" that are actually company driven projects and everything is pre-defined by just a founder or his team.
Contrastingly, in BitcoinZ a simple community member can see the whole ecosystem advancing with just a good idea that he shared and after some time this is delivered as a working sub-project!
A developer can actively contribute and see the Project expanding significantly with his work.
Even a simple visitor's interaction can transform certain aspects of a BitcoinZ's subproject that a specific team was working for, after taking his feedback into consideration.

Everyone has a puzzle piece to add in this ever evolving Community driven ecosystem that has just one common denominator: Decentralization.
Besides, the very network's operation is based exclusively in people's participation since BitcoinZ is a 100% Proof of Work Cryptocurrency that is mineable only by Personal Computers.

So Z-Brain is a basic element of BitcoinZ and nobody wishes to lose this event. You can find your invitation in the featured image of this article.

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Rok Mikuz
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