It's An Opportune Time To Honor 20+ Million Hero Nurses With Your Virtual Nurse-Thanking Message Post On THE NURSES WALL

We Built It - Let's Fill It!

THE NURSES WALL - a grateful public's gift to the world's unsung hero nurses ...

"Do or do not. There is no try!" - Yoda

Pamela Jane Nye, CEO/Neuroscience Nursing, Ltd; Founder/CEO/Exec. Director of Operation Scrubs, Inc. nonprofit; aka: "The Vaccinator"

Tuition Free Nurse Education / Positive Nurse Advocacy / Advanced Education Scholarships for Working Nurses

THE NURSES WALL postings are free, easy, and quick; but it's a priceless gift to the world's pandemic-battling hero nurses. Why would anyone say No? Seriously!

Do or do not. There is no try!”
— Pamela Jane Nye (quoting Master Yoda)
PACIFIC PALISADES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES, May 11, 2022 / -- 2020 was to the "Year of the Nurse."
Covid-19 stole it.
Virus mutations prevented its recovery.
THE NURSES WALL is the weapon, and Operation Scrubs is the 2022 mission to take it back.

"May 12 ends "Phase One" of THE NURSES WALL construction, and this year's National Nurses Week celebration; May 13 starts "Phase Two" of THE NURSES WALL message-posting challenge, which continues until midnight, December 31 (New Year's Eve).

"For this challenge, Master Yoda would say, 'Do or do not. There is no Try!' And I agree with Master Yoda," argues Pamela Jane Nye, founder of THE NURSES WALL and Executive Director of the Operation Scrubs nurse-honoring mission, emphasizing, "because this is an opportune time to do something that will predictably, infinitely, and historically honor the world's frontline pandemic-battling nurse warriors.

Another good reason is it there's no cost to post a message. It's easy to do. And it takes only a few minutes, Nye explains, emphasizing, "yet the perceived emotional value for these unsung hero nurses is both infinite and priceless."

To post your thank-a-nurse message, Pam says to "click this website link, or type this address into your computer, tablet, or mobile phone browser and follow the simple directions. Then talk to, text, email, and recruit your friends, neighbors, co-workers, customers, and social media contacts to check out your message and follow your nurse-thanking example."

Chuck Foster
WCNi News Service
+1 424-781-9700

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