Governor Tom Wolf announced today that 56 highway, bridge, transit, and bike and pedestrian projects in 28 counties were selected for $47.8 million in funding through the Multimodal Transportation Fund.
“Transportation is critical to connecting communities and economies, and we are an important partner in bringing progress across the state,” Gov. Wolf said. “These investments will improve overall mobility and safety while bolstering commercial projects.”
Reflecting PennDOT’s commitment to improving locally owned infrastructure, several of the projects will also help local governments address bridges and roadways in need of repair or replacement.
“Whether we’re making roadways more accessible to all modes of travel or creating new connections for businesses investing in our communities, transportation is integral to our quality of life,” PennDOT Secretary Yassmin Gramian said. “These projects will bring long-lasting improvements across the state.”
PennDOT evaluated the applications and made selections based on such criteria as safety benefits, regional economic conditions, the technical and financial feasibility, job creation, energy efficiency, and operational sustainability.
Allegheny County: City of Pittsburgh – $1.76 million to reopen a portion of Sylvan Avenue to pedestrian and bicycle traffic as a public trail parallel to SR 885 that will connect the Hazelwood and Greenfield neighborhoods to job centers in Oakland.
Bedford County: Southampton Township – $470,523 to rehabilitate Covered Bridge Road and Johnson Road, which provide the main access to the historic Hewitt Covered Bridge, two popular hiking trails, and state game lands in southern Bedford County.
Blair County:
- Allegheny Township – $454,704 to improve traffic flow and accommodate truck turning movements at the intersection of Theater Drive and U.S. 22 (Route 764) by adding a 300 linear-foot right turning lane on Theater Drive, upgrading the existing signal, completing drainage improvements, and moving utilities.
- Blair County Commissioners – $2 million to improve a section of the Blair County Road 101 corridor for vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian use from Railroad street north to Hickory street in Claysburg, Blair County. Improvements include correcting drainage issues; replacing existing curb and sidewalk with ADA ramps; relocating overhead utilities; milling, overlay, and base repair; and line painting.
- City of Altoona – $1.29 million to revitalize the Altoona Transportation Center, a multimodal transportation hub for passenger rail and local and regional bus services, by completing public safety and connectivity improvements, renovating utilities, installing new wayfinding and access signage, updating passenger spaces and transfer areas, and providing more reliable passenger access.
Bucks County: Newtown Township – $873,000 to construct sidewalk connections in the township’s Business Commons area to close existing trail and sidewalk gaps. The project includes construction of 0.5 mile of five-foot wide concrete sidewalks, stormwater management improvements, construction of ADA curb ramps, improved striping and signage, installation of benches, and landscaping.
Butler County:
- Buffalo Township – $333,075 for improvements on Harvey Road, including improvements to the existing culvert, roadway repaving, and replacement of guiderail to meet current standards.
- Oakland Township – $663,450 to reshape and repave roadways in the Township to correct drainage issues and sagging roads and improve rideability. The project includes improvements on Boydstown, Lake, Pine Tract, Mottern, St. Joe, and Woodcrest Roads and Thorn and Charlaine Drives.
Cambria County:
- Borough of Portage – $443,000 for the fifth phase of the Borough’s streetscape program to establish pedestrian connectivity and improve pedestrian safety through installation of new sidewalk, curb, and ADA ramps.
- Summerhill Township – $241,361 to relocate 2,962 linear feet of Shaft Road from Donald Street to the bottom of Wilmore Heights Road to connect from Donald Street to the top of Wilmore Heights Road, a distance of 1,800 linear feet. The project includes installation of cross drains, guiderail, and signage.
Carbon County: Phase III Environmental, LLC – $2.4 million to construct a right-in/right-out intersection along Route 248 and a lighted intersection along Delaware Avenue at the future Palmerton Business Park in Palmerton.
Centre County:
- Boggs Township – $350,000 for safety improvements to a curve along Curtin Hollow Road, including reducing the vertical elevation of the roadway at the curve, creating a smoother transition into and out of the curve, installing new road base and surface material, and installing shoulders and new guiderail.
- SEDA-COG Joint Rail Authority – $894,000 to replace two adjacent bridges spanning Moose Run in Milesburg Borough with a single structure that has the increased hydraulic capacity necessary to mitigate the significant flooding the borough currently experiences.
- Snow Shoe Township – $234,380 to rehabilitate 3.8 miles of six rural township roads that carry vehicular, ATV, and UTV traffic.
Clearfield County:
- Bradford Township – $706,188 to widen the roadway and replace Egypt Road Bridge, a deteriorating one-lane bridge, heavily-traveled by campers and school buses, with a two-lane box culvert to accommodate the safe passage of wider vehicles. The project includes improvements for bicycle and pedestrian traffic.
- Curwensville Borough – $589,832 to repair, mill, and pave nine borough streets.
- Houtzdale Borough – $575,417 to improve sidewalks and provide lighting for safe pedestrian access along Hannah Street and enhance the connection between the Central Business District and the Houtzdale Line Rail Trail.
- Penn Township – $119,176 for rehabilitation of Melody Road and Kratzer Run Road to increase safety for motorists and pedestrians.
Delaware County: Henderson Group, Inc. – $1.08 million to complete the remaining unfinished section of the loop road system surrounding the intersection of U.S. Routes 1 and 202 in Chadds Ford and Concord Townships.
Fulton County: Union Township – $310,000 for pavement and drainage improvements to a 1.5-mile section of Hendershot Road that is currently unpaved.
Greene County: Greene County Commissioners – $760,192 to replace a poor condition bridge (Bridge No. 103) located in Morris Township where Walker Road intersects Patterson Creek.
Huntingdon County: Southern Huntingdon County School District – $1.1 million for infrastructure improvements along Route 994 (Pogue Road) adjacent to the school district’s existing high school/middle school campus in Cromwell Township. Improvements include the creation of two new driveways to the campus, rehabilitation of the existing driveway, and the construction of deceleration and turn-lanes along Route 994.
Indiana County: Green Township – $145,729 to reconstruct or rehabilitate several roads in the villages of Starford and Commodore, including Lighthouse Road; Railroad, City, Teak, Short, Teddy, Parker, and Rhododendron Streets in Starford and Olive and Redbud Streets in Commodore.
Jefferson County:
- Borough of Punxsutawney – $285,901 for design and construction of a radius widening project to eliminate a 90-degree turn at the intersection of Front and Union Streets.
- Borough of Sykesville – $137,188 to resurface borough streets, including South Park Street, Memorial Street, Station Street, Paradise Road, and Willow Alley, to improve safety and accessibility for local commercial business operations, school buses, and residential traffic.
Lackawanna County: Olyphant Borough – $370,000 to reconstruct Mid Valley Drive from East Lackawanna Avenue to the municipal line with Jessup Borough to accommodate the volume, size, and weight of current truck traffic and accommodate transit riders, bicyclists, and pedestrians. Improvements include roadway repavement and installation of sidewalks, a bike lane, and new bus stop shelters.
Lancaster County:
- Clay Township – $466,444 to construct left-turn lanes on all approaches to the heavily-congested intersection of U.S. Route 322 and Durlach Road and Woodcorner Road in Ephrata.
- East Hempfield Township – $300,000 to replace the bridge structure that carries Dairy Road over a tributary of the Little Conestoga Creek.
Lebanon County: Exel, Inc. – $3 million for construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Route 934 and Clear Spring Road in North Annville Township and improvements along Killinger Road in South Annville Township to support development of a logistics park.
Lehigh County: Borough of Macungie – $863,666 to replace the closed Hickory Street bridge to restore a local road connection that serves as an alternate to Route 100; reconstruct South Church Street to the Main Street signal; and install sharrows on Hickory and Church Streets.
Luzerne County:
- Conyngham Borough – $500,000 to create a secondary access and emergency route to Whispering Willows Park and construct a new parking area adjacent to the recreation facility as part of a four-phase plan to improve the conditions of the park.
- Exeter Borough – $55,153 for surface restoration improvements of vehicular and pedestrian facilities along Susquehanna Avenue from Trayor Street north through the Barber Street intersection with Susquehanna Avenue.
- Luzerne County – $776,500 to repave a section of Broadway Road in Ross Township, install bike lanes, and improve stormwater management facilities to increase the removal of stormwater from the roadway surface.
- Pittston Township – $537,037 for improvements to Upper Ridge, Lower Ridge, and Chapel Roads, including repavement and installation/upgrade of stormwater infrastructure.
- Sugar Notch Borough – $199,294 for surface improvements to replace and upgrade deteriorated roadway on Woodland Road between Brook and Chestnut Streets.
- West Pittston Borough – $345,000 for sidewalk and curb construction and replacement, tree lawn restoration, and new street tree installation along both sides of Exeter Avenue.
- Yatesville Borough – $347,000 for resurfacing and drainage improvements of a parking lot and paving and roadway work on Hale, Washington, Lincoln, Teasdale, and Calvert Streets.
Monroe County:
- Smithfield Township – $351,678 to repair a bridge of significant structural concern constructed in 1910 located on Green Mountain Drive west of its intersection with Seven Bridges Road (Route 209).
- Stroud Township – $718,400 to replace the poor-condition bridge on Lessig Lane over Cherry Creek.
- Tobyhanna Township – $2.98 million to widen Route 940, add concrete curbing to accommodate additional lanes and driveways through the corridor, and signalize the intersections of SR 0940 and FedEx Drive/Stillwater and Route 940 and Long Pond Road/Interstate 380 southbound ramp.
Montgomery County:
- Borough of Hatboro – $499,349 to fund the design and construction of a full substructure and superstructure to replace the timber bridge along West Monument Avenue.
- East Norriton Township – $92,500 for the rehabilitation of three locally-owned and maintained bridges on Hannah, Woodland, and Norris Avenues over Stony Creek watershed tributaries.
- Upper Merion Township – $780,000 for the complete replacement of the culvert over Abrams Run on Brownlie Road between Avon and Redwood Roads.
- Upper Moreland Township – $1.35 million to complete the first phase of improvements to Route 611 (Easton Road) at the Willow Grove Interchange of the Pennsylvania Turnpike that are intended to reduce traffic congestion and improve traffic flow.
- Yerkes Station Associates, LLC – $2.93 million to widen Route 29/Collegeville Road from two lanes to four lanes; add turn lanes, a crosswalk, and signals at the Hopwood Road intersection; and build a multi-use trail extension from the intersection to Perkiomen Trail.
Northumberland County: County of Northumberland – $371,245 to replace an inactive county bridge located on Hill Road, Lewis Township, over Glade Run Creek.
Philadelphia County:
- Brandywine Realty Trust, Inc. – $3 million for improvements to Roosevelt Boulevard to provide access to a 660,000 square-foot distribution center served by both highway and city bus, located at the intersection of Roosevelt Boulevard and Southampton Road. Improvements include the addition of turning lanes and a new signal at the full access driveway on Roosevelt Boulevard.
- City of Philadelphia, Streets Department – $3 million to construct two roundabouts on Parkside Avenue at North 53rd Street and Bryn Mawr Avenue to improve safety, calm traffic, and enhance multimodal connectivity to the adjacent park.
- Nueva Esperanza, Inc. – $3 million to transform street, bicycle, and pedestrian transportation infrastructure on North 5th Street in Philadelphia’s Hunting Park neighborhood, advancing ongoing economic development by creating a safer, pedestrian-friendly corridor.
Schuylkill County:
- Kline Township – $344,251 to resurface nine critical deteriorated sections of roadway on Walsh Street, Bruno Avenue, Middle Street, Mountaintop Terrace, Bridge Street, Spring Street, Luceno Boulevard, Silverbrook Road, and Doran Street.
- McAdoo Borough – $182,000 to repave roadways within the Borough, including South Manning Street, East Jackson Street, South Logan Street, and North Butler Street.
Union County:
- East Buffalo Township – $518,371 to upgrade the existing traffic signal and install pedestrian upgrades at the intersection of SR 0045 and SR 2007 and provide advance warning for adjacent Buffalo Valley Rail Trail mid-block crossing on SR 2007.
- Kelly Township – $1.06 million for construction of a new roundabout at the JPM Road and Hospital Drive intersection, widening and realigning approaching roadways, and installing new sidewalks to link to existing sidewalks on JPM Road.
Westmoreland County: City of Arnold – $53,000 for improvements to Rankin Street from Woodmont Avenue to Freeport Road, including roadway paving and sidewalk/ADA enhancements.
York County:
- Felton Borough – $211,165 to upgrade drainage and storm sewer systems and repave Water Street and Moore Lane.
- York County – $379,501 to remove Pleasant Acres Bridge, a load-posted deteriorated bridge over an active railroad, following construction of a new road extension and at-grade crossing in Springettsbury Township.
PennDOT anticipates accepting Multimodal Transportation Fund applications in fall 2022 for Fiscal Year 2023-24 funding. For more information about the program, visit www.penndot.pa.gov and click on Multimodal Program under the “Projects & Programs” button.