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It's Been a Green Week

May 6, 2010 (PRN): Following a successful Green Office Week last week, online kitchen appliance company, DRL Limited, is to introduce a range of eco-friendly initiatives as part of a culture change within the business.

To kick start the transformation, staff are being encouraged to put forward their green office ideas with the incentive of an eco-friendly washing machine for the best idea. The Beko WMD78144 washing machine is one of the most energy efficient washing machines on the market, with an energy rating of A+++ and the fastest quick wash available of just 14 minutes.

The company has recently taken part in an on-site carbon survey by the Carbon Trust, both at its head office in Bolton and at its distribution company, Expert Logistics in Manchester. This will highlight energy-saving opportunities within the business; the not-for-profit company will then set out a realistic action plan to reduce the businesses carbon footprint.

Activities which DRL staff undertook during Green Office Week included car-sharing; rejecting plastic cups; switching off all electrical equipment at the end of the day and all employees were offered a free tyre pressure check. Under or over inflated tyres cause a car engine to work harder, therefore increasing fuel consumption.

Adam Morgan, head of people, development and quality at DRL, comments about the surprising attitude of the UK’s workforce, “A survey conducted by Avery has found that 36% of the UK don’t bother doing their bit for the environment, even though there is nothing stopping them! Our hope is that by empowering our staff with the ability to affect change within the company, they will be motivated to bring their eco-friendly attitudes to work, rather than leaving them at the door.”

[Wired by:]