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VeriFone Receives Russian Bank Order

February 25, 2010 (FinancialWire) — VeriFone Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: PAY) said it has inked a multimillion-dollar order for a portfolio of its leading payment solutions by Sberbank, Russia’s largest bank.

According to VeriFone, Sberbank, ultimately intends to distribute around 130,000 payment solutions among merchants. The bank will utilize VeriFone countertop and wireless payment solutions, as well as PIN pads.

Sberbank will deploy the company’s Vx 510 dial, Ethernet and GPRS countertop solution, the Vx 610 wireless system, the Vx 810 programmable PIN pad and the PP1000SE PIN pad.

VeriFone solutions were selected for a separate tender from Sberbank for more than 16,000 Vx 810 systems. Those systems were deployed over a three-month period to bank branches for customers to identify themselves to bank tellers using their credit/debit card and PINs.

California-based VeriFone Holdings offers secure electronic payment solutions. The company specializes in merchant-operated, consumer-facing and self-service payment systems for the financial, retail, hospitality, petroleum, government and healthcare vertical markets.

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