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PJ & Lizzy Antonik and Nia Elin Davies Interviewed by Candice Georgiadis

PJ and Lizzy Antonik, from OAK DD

PJ and Lizzy Antonik, from OAK DD

Nia Elin Davies, of Yugenial

Nia Elin Davies, of Yugenial

Candice Georgiadis

Candice Georgiadis

PJ and Lizzy Antonik, from OAK DD. Nia Elin Davies, of Yugenial.

Treating people well and supporting your employees with anything they need.”
— PJ and Lizzy Antonik, from OAK DD

GREENWICH, CT, USA, February 18, 2022 / -- Candice Georgiadis, owner of the blog by her namesake, interviews individuals on the cutting edge of hotel, travel, lifestyle and other similar topics. She expands the marketing footprint of individuals and companies with a combination of branding and imaging across social media and conventional websites.

Technology and marketing synergy is going to be the key to success in the future. Reach out to Candice Georgiadis to get your marketing plan in place now. Focus on your company and let her handle the marketing strategy, with experience and knowledge, that will save you time and money.

Candice Georgiadis' recent article in Forbes : How Technology Will Revolutionize Marketing In 2022 And Beyond
Check out the full Forbes article here.

PJ and Lizzy Antonik, from OAK DD
What do you think makes your company stand out? Can you share a story?

It sounds funny, but communicating. In the world of construction it’s hard to find a residential builder who communicates. For example, many times when I send a meeting invite to a buyer or client, they respond that they are amazed that I sent it! It’s the simple things that allow us to keep a clear line of communication and therefore allows us to execute much more efficiently.

Are you working on any exciting new projects now? How do you think that will help people?

We have two that come to mind. The first is a renovation of a historic church turned single family home in the 90’s. We are actually turning the unfinished attic into a really unique loft room with a wet bar and hang out area. The unique thing about it is the room will feature the original 5′ wide stain glass window from the 1700’s and all the original post and beam framing will be exposed. The second is more about helping people as we are donating all the excavation work for two homes for the South Shore Habitat for Humanity in Hingham, MA.

What advice would you give to other CEOs or founders to help their employees to thrive?

We think trusting people to do the right thing and allowing them the runway to make decisions independently is key. The more we allow our employees to have a say or give them the liberty to do things themselves, the better work we get out of them.

How do you define “Leadership”?

Treating people well and supporting your employees with anything they need.

Read the rest of the interview here

Nia Elin Davies, of Yugenial
Can you share your top five “lifestyle tweaks” that you believe will help support people’s journey towards better wellbeing? Please give an example or story for each.

1) Mindfulness — realizing that mindfulness and meditation doesn’t have to mean sitting and doing nothing for hours, but that it helps to meditate on the go i.e. when I become aware that I am getting lost in thought and following anxiety down the rabbit hole, disengaging by focusing on the breath. Also bringing more awareness to unhealthy coping mechanisms and channeling this energy into something else.

2) Journaling — writing down 3 things I’m grateful for in my Gratitude app every morning, and journaling away some of the overthinking, so I can form a more coherent picture and narrative.

3) Parasympathetic Activation — yoga, breathwork and giving myself permission to take time out. I love exercise like running, but it’s important to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system too

4) Supplementation — my diet isn’t always as healthy as it could be, but I try as much as possible to stick to the 80:20 rule, and take supplements such as Turmeric, CBD and Fish oils.

5) Tarot Cards — personally I love fun little rituals that bring a bit of magic back into the daily routine and I find tarot cards serve as great little prompts to help you look at an issue in a new way, or give you themes to think about.

What are your “5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Started” and why?

1) Everyone else shares the same human fears and insecurities, and they never really go away no matter your position or experience

2) Enjoy the process not just the outcome — because the outcome is often mostly out of your hands but if you enjoy the process you’ve still won

3) Balancing direct and emergent opportunities requires staying open minded and flexible

4) Appreciate the failures as well as successes, because there’s always a blessing in the curse

5) Have more confidence in yourself and don’t always assume other people must know better.

Finish reading the interview here

Be sure to reach out to Candice Georgiadis to get your social media marketing on the right track. You can reach her at the below contact options.

About Candice Georgiadis
Candice Georgiadis is an active mother of three as well as a designer, founder, social media expert, and philanthropist. Candice Georgiadis is the founder and designer at CG & CO. She is also the Founder of the Social Media and Marketing Agency: Digital Agency. Candice Georgiadis is a Social Media influencer and contributing writer to ThriveGlobal, Authority Magazine, and several others. In addition to her busy work life, Candice is a volunteer and donor to St Jude’s Children’s hospital.

Contact and information on how to follow Candice Georgiadis' latest interviews:
Twitter: @candigeorgiadis

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