MEDIA ADVISORY Wednesday, January 12, 2022 Contact: Emily Cook 207-441-0405

AUGUSTA — Secretary of State Shenna Bellows and Deputy Secretary of State and head of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles Cathie Curtis will be testifying tomorrow 1/13/2022 in favor of two bills before the Legislature’s Transportation Committee.

L.D. 1762, “An Act To Amend the Law Regarding Expiration of Disability Plates and Placards and Fees for Recycler Licenses,” from Rep. Richard Evans, D-Dover Foxcroft, increases convenience for Mainers with disability placards by standardizing a six year authorization for all recipients.

L.D. 1843, “An Act To Allow the Secretary of State To Use an Electronic Lien Titling Program for the Purposes of the Maine Motor Vehicle Certificate of Title and Antitheft Act,” will modernize the lien titling program in Maine, improving operations for lien holders, dealers, and the Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

The public hearing begins at 1:00 p.m. and can be viewed on the Committee’s YouTube