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House Democrats Delivered For The People In 2021

The House advanced a number of legislative priorities on behalf of the American people in 2021. From a generational investment in our nation’s infrastructure, to voting rights legislation, to bills to expand economic opportunity and access to health care, House Democrats have taken action to deliver on legislative priorities supported by the majority of Americans. Here’s a look at the major bills that have passed the House during 2021, including the American Rescue Plan, the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, and the Build Back Better Act:  


The American Rescue Plan, which passed the House on March 10, and was signed into law on March 11, is a transformative package to help end the COVID-19 pandemic and restore the economy. This legislation, passed by House Democrats, has provided direct assistance to families, invested in vaccine distribution, ensured schools have the resources to resume in-person learning safely, and gave vital support to small businesses.
  • Shots in Arms: The American Rescue Plan provided $20 billion for the development and distribution of vaccines, including $7.5 billion in CDC funding to address racial disparities and ensure vaccines are reaching every community, including communities of color hit hardest by the pandemic. Today, more than 204 million Americans have been vaccinated against COVID-19, and efforts continue to get more shots in arms every day.
  • People in Jobs: The American Rescue Plan invested in crucial tools to help small businesses reopen safely including the Paycheck Protection Program, the Restaurant Revitalization Fund, EIDL grants, and $350 billion in critical aid to keep frontline workers such as teachers, law enforcement, and health care workers on the job. Today, more than 6 million jobs have been created since the start of the 117th Congress. 


The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which passed the House on November 5 and was signed into law by President Biden on November 15, is a transformative infrastructure package that will impact Americans in communities across the country and takes action to repair our nation’s infrastructure while creating nearly 2 million jobs annually over the next decade.
  • Repairing our Nation’s Infrastructure: This law reauthorizes surface transportation programs and funds $110 billion in additional road and bridge repairs across the country, the single largest investment in our surface transportation since the construction of the interstate highway system.
  • Advancing Clean Energy Goals and Investing in Climate Resilience: The infrastructure law contains the first major American investment in climate resilience to help communities upgrade their critical infrastructure and mitigate the impact of climate change-driven extreme weather. It also advances America’s clean energy goals by researching clean energy and transmission while promoting electric vehicle adoption to reduce American dependence on gasoline.
  • Promoting Equity and Justice: The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act makes equitable investments which address long-ignored disparities that harm our economy by preventing underserved communities from reaching their full economic potential and negatively impacting the health and economic opportunities of those communities’ residents. These include expanding access to broadband for 42 million Americans who currently lack reliable Internet access, funding our water infrastructure to ensure Americans have clean drinking water, addressing legacy pollution, and expanding reliable public transit to underserved communities.


The Build Better Act, which passed the House on November 19, is transformative legislation that would reduce costs for middle-class families, create jobs and expand economic opportunity for American workers, deliver on America’s climate commitments, and ensure that the wealthiest Americans and corporations are paying their fair share in taxes.
  • Expanding Child Care and Educational Opportunities: The Build Back Better Act would deliver the largest expansion of affordable child care for middle-class families in American history, which would save families in 32 states over $100 each week according to some estimates. The legislation also expands access to free preschool for over 6 million children across the country, which can lead to lifelong economic and educational benefits. The Expanded Child Tax Credit contained within the American Rescue Plan would be extended another year, which can help families pay for basic needs and other household expenses.
  • Taking Action on the Climate Crisis: The Build Back Better Act makes the largest single investment in combating climate change by any nation in history, working to accelerate our progress towards a clean energy economy and expanding opportunity for American workers by building a domestic supply chain for clean energy materials. The bill would also reduce energy costs for middle-class families by hundreds of dollars annually.
  • Reducing Health Care Costs: This bill strengthens the Affordable Care Act, which would reduce premiums for over 9 million Americans who purchase their health insurance through the Affordable Care Act marketplace. It would also expand access to affordable, quality health care to millions of Americans currently without insurance through closing the Medicaid coverage gap. The legislation additionally contains provisions that would reduce drug prices, including Medicare Part D and Part B price negotiations that would lower out-of-pocket costs for seniors and cap insulin prices at $35 dollars a month while penalizing companies who increase prices faster than inflation.


In addition to the American Rescue Plan, the House has seen numerous bills signed into law that reflect a broad set of priorities for the American people. Below are some of the highlights:

H.R. 1799, the Paycheck Protection Program Extension Act Passed the House 3/16, signed into law 3/30  

This legislation extended the Paycheck Protection Program application deadline for two months through May 31, 2021 to help struggling businesses keep workers employed during COVID-19.

H.R. 1276, the SAVE LIVES Act Passed the House 3/9, signed into law 3/24

This law ensured that more veterans, their families, and caregivers got access to COVID-19 vaccines in a timely manner.

S. 937, the COVID-19 Hate Crimes Act Passed the House 5/18, signed into law 5/20

This law addresses the dramatic increase in hate crimes targeting the AAPI community since the start of the pandemic. This law designates a point person at the Department of Justice to review hate crimes related to the COVID-19 pandemic, bolsters state and local governments to improve their reporting of hate crimes, and ensures that hate crime information is more accessible to Asian-American communities.

S. 475, the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act Passed the House 6/17, signed into law 6/18

This law established the first federal holiday in 38 years to formally recognize Juneteenth National Independence Day and commemorate the end of slavery in the United States.

H.R 3237, the Emergency Security Supplemental to Respond to 1/6 Appropriations Act Passed the House 5/20, signed into law 7/30

This bill provides funding to secure the U.S. Capitol Complex and ensure the brave men and women of the U.S. Capitol Police have the resources they need to do their jobs. The legislation responds to the direct costs incurred by the National Guard and DC police on January 6 and includes  to improve the security of windows and doors in the Capitol complex, and secures funds to improve Capitol Police training and equipment.

S. 610, the Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act Passed the House 12/7, signed into law 12/10

This law prevents severe end-of-year cuts to Medicare and implements a process for addressing the debt limit, avoiding America from defaulting on its full faith and credit.

S. 1605, the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 Passed the House 12/7, signed into law 12/27

This bill reauthorizes critical defense programs for Fiscal Year 2022, providing our military with the tools it needs to carry out missions safely and effectively. The legislation, passed by a bipartisan vote, reflects consensus about advancing America’s strategic defense interests to keep our nation safe.

Three Congressional Review Act resolutions have been signed into law, overturning dangerous rules put in place by the Trump Administration:  

S.J. Res 13, a CRA overturning an EEOC rule to address discrimination in the workplace Passed the House 6/24, signed into law 6/30

S.J.Res.14, a CRA addressing dangerous methane emissions Passed the House 6/25, signed into law 6/30

S.J.Res.15, a CRA to protect against predatory lenders Passed the House 6/24, signed into law 6/30



House Democrats have also worked to advance critical pieces of legislation which await action in the Senate:

H.R. 1, the For The People Act Passed the House 3/3

This comprehensive legislation would promote government transparency, strengthen access to the ballot box and make it easier for Americans to exercise their right to vote, secure election infrastructure, and curb the influence of dark money in politics.  

“The vast majority of Americans — including Democrats, Independents, and Republicans — support the For The People Act.” [Data For Progress, 4/21/21]  

H.R. 5, the Equality Act

Passed the House 2/25

The Equality Act would codify consistent anti-discrimination legal protections for LGBTQ Americans by amending several existing civil rights laws to include explicit non-discrimination protections in key areas of life.

  “An overwhelming seven in 10 voters support the Equality Act, spanning across demographic and partisan groups, including across all ages, races, religions, and political parties.” [Hart Research, 3/16/21]  
H.R. 6, the Dream and Promise Act Passed the House 3/18

The Dream and Promise Act would protect Dreamers, Temporary Protected Status (TPS), and Deferred Enforced Departure (DED) status holders from deportation and provide an opportunity to obtain permanent legal status that would enable these groups to work legally within the United States and continue to contribute to their local communities and economy.  

“Data for Progress’s polling… showed that by a huge margin of 69% percent, voters support a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers.” [Data for Progress, 3/24/21]
H.R 7, the Paycheck Fairness Act Passed the House 4/17

This bill would strengthen labor protections around equal pay by prohibiting the use of salary history to set compensation, provide more transparent options for joining class-action lawsuits challenging systemic discrimination, and require employers to show that gender pay gaps are job-related and consistent with business need.  

“Polling ahead of the 2020 election indicated about 90 percent of women, across party lines, supported strengthening equal pay laws.” [The 19th, 6/10/21]  
H.R. 8, the Bipartisan Background Checks Act and H.R 1446, the Enhanced Background Checks Act Passed the House 3/11

These bills would modernize federal laws around gun sales. The former would close current loopholes that allow buyers to purchase guns without a background check in certain venues, while the latter would prevent gun sales from going through before background checks are completed.  

“In a poll conducted by Everytown for Gun Safety and Giffords, 93% of Americans support background checks on all gun sales.” [Everytown for Gun Safety, 1/27/21]   “According to the latest survey, 48 percent of voters support closing the Charleston Loophole.” [Morning Consult, 3/11/21]  

H.J. Res 17, Removing the Deadline for Ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment

Passed the House 3/17

This resolution would remove the deadline for ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment in order to enshrine women’s equality in the Constitution.

H.R 51, the Washington, DC Admission Act Passed the House 4/22

This bill would admit Washington, DC as the 51st state in the Union and end the injustice in denying nearly 700,000 citizens the right to be represented fully in Congress. It would also end the unjust practice of treating District of Columbia residents differently when allocating government resources or relief.  

“A new poll conducted just weeks before the most recent push for D.C. statehood shows growing support among voters. According to the poll by Data for Progress, 54% of respondents indicated that they would support making D.C. a state so it can elect voting Senators and Representatives.” [FOX 5, 3/22/21]  
H.R 256, Repeal of the 2002 AUMF Against Iraq Passed the House 6/17

This bill, which passed with bipartisan support, would repeal the 2002 Authorization of Military Force Against Iraq.  

“The House voted Thursday to repeal a 19-year-old military authorization Congress passed to give legal backing to the Iraq War with the support of Democrats and Republicans and the endorsement of the White House — an unprecedented coalition. [The Washington Post, 3/17/21]
H.R. 803, the Protecting America’s Wildness and Public Lands Act Passed the House 2/26

This comprehensive bill would conserve and protect natural landscapes across America, designating over 1.5 million acres of public land as protected wilderness and withdrawing significant amount of public land from drilling and mining activities to promote a healthier environment.

H.R. 842, the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act Passed the House 3/9

This bill aims to strengthen labor protections for union workers through overriding Republican-led “right to work” laws, promoting free and fair union elections, and holding companies that attempt to restrict union activity accountable.  

“Union leaders say the Protecting the Right to Organize Act — PRO Act — would finally begin to level a playing field they say is unfairly tilted toward big business and management, making union organizing drives and elections unreasonably difficult.” [NPR3/9/21]  
H.R 1230, the Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act Passed the House 6/24

The bipartisan Protecting Older Workers Against Discrimination Act restores protections for older workers that were weakened in a 2009 Supreme Court ruling that made it harder for older workers to prove age-based discrimination in the workplace.  

H.R. 1280, the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act Passed the House 3/3

This bill, which House Democrats also passed in the 116th Congress 30 days after the murder of George Floyd, will address racial bias in policing, ensure accountability for police brutality and misconduct, and work to change the culture of law enforcement to promote better relationships with the communities they serve.

“Nearly all the key provisions of Democrats’ police reform bill — the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act — have a majority of voter support.” [Vox, 4/9/21]  
H.R. 1603, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act Passed the House 3/18

This bipartisan bill would stabilize the agriculture industry’s labor supply by reforming the H-2A guest worker program and creating a pathway to citizenship for agricultural workers, many of whom worked throughout the pandemic.

H.R. 1620, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act Passed the House 3/18

This long-overdue legislation to reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act passed the House with bipartisan support. It would reauthorize funding to vital grant programs that help prevent sexual assault, domestic violence, and improve access to resources for victims and survivors.

H.R 2662, the Inspectors-General Independence and Empowerment Act Passed the House 6/29

This bill seeks to promote government transparency and accountability by ensuring the independence of federal inspectors-general, allowing government watchdogs to act freely without fear of political pressure or threats. It would also protect whistleblowers from threats of retaliation by making it a violation of House rules for Members to reveal their identities.

“The House passed a comprehensive package of reforms Tuesday to protect inspectors general from being fired or otherwise prevented from doing their jobs, a measure inspired by President Donald Trump’s pattern of ousting the agency watchdogs who challenged him.” [The Washington Post, 6/30/21]  
H.R 3005, Legislation to #RemoveHate from the Capitol Building Passed the House 6/29

This bill, passed with bipartisan support, would remove statues of those who perpetuated and supported slavery and segregation in this country, along with statues or busts of those who served voluntarily in the Confederate States of America, from public display in the U.S. Capitol.

H.R. 4502, the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, Agriculture, Rural Development, Energy and Water Development, Financial Services and General Government, Interior, Environment, Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, Transportation, and Housing and Urban Development Appropriations Act, 2022 Passed the House 7/29

This minibus bill contains multiple appropriations bills for Fiscal Year 2022 that fund vital government programs that will expand economic opportunity to the middle class and create good-paying jobs. The legislation advances a significant number of legislative priorities, including clean energy goals, educational and economic opportunities for our nation’s children, and addressing economic disparities affecting middle-class families.

H.R. 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act Passed the House 9/24

This bill aims to protect access to reproductive health care in response to bills restricting women’s access to health care. It would codify the constitutional protections in Roe v. Wade and ensure that women have access to the full range of reproductive health care, no matter where they live.

“Asked about a Texas law that authorizes private citizens anywhere in the country to sue anyone who performs or aids someone in obtaining an abortion in Texas after about six weeks of pregnancy, [a] Post-ABC poll finds 65 percent say the court should reject the law.” [The Washington Post, 11/16/21]  
H.R. 5314, the Protecting Our Democracy Act Passed the House 12/9

This bill promotes transparency and accountability for those serving in high office in the United States and ensures the independence of inspectors-general in order to strengthen their ability to conduct oversight free from interference. The legislation additionally includes stronger protections for whistleblowers and clarifies that presidents can be held accountable for criminal conduct.

“The bill, which has support from the White House, aims to strengthen guardrails that were tested by former President Donald Trump, including limitation on presidential pardons, the requirement for candidates for president and vice president to submit their personal tax returns for 10 years, and the acceptance of any foreign or domestic emoluments.” [CNN, 12/9/21]  

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