Today, Governor Tom Wolf signed into law five bills, including legislation that would provide flexibility for individuals seeking their barber or cosmetology license and legislation that would give physician assistants a greater role in patient care.
House Bill 1182 allows licensed barber schools to offer up to 50 percent of their curriculum through distance education. A student at a barber school may only earn study and training hours through distance education for theory-based subjects. A barber school is not permitted to offer practical demonstrations through distance education.
House Bill 1183 amends the Cosmetology Law to allow licensed cosmetology schools to offer up to 50 percent of their curriculum through distance education. A student at a cosmetology school may only earn training hours through distance education for theory-based subjects. A cosmetology school is not permitted to offer practical demonstrations through distance education.
Senate Bill 397 updates physician assistant practice under the Osteopathic Medical Practice Act. Specifically, the bill revises the requirement that a physician assistant render medical care and services “under the supervision and direction” of the supervising physician, by requiring the physician assistant only be under the “supervision” of the supervising physician. The bill also increases the composition of the State Board of Osteopathic Medicine by two members, a physician assistant and a physician, who will be appointed by the governor.
Senate Bill 398 updates physician assistant practice under the Medical Practice Act. Specifically, the bill revises the requirement that a physician assistant render medical care and services “under the supervision and direction” of the supervising physician, by requiring the physician assistant only be under the “supervision” of the supervising physician. The bill also increases the composition of the State Board of Medicine by two members, a physician assistant and a physician, who will be appointed by the governor.
House Bill 523 requires that property owners who access their property through a private road maintain and repair the road at the expense of the property owner.