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How to start your own brand: Inspirational ideas from Mackenzie Thompson

Mackenzie and his sister

Mackenzie and his sister

With the e-commerce sector booming, it seems as thought now is the perfect time to venture into starting your own business.

Before you can have the life you've always desired, you must believe you can have it. ”
— Mackenzie Thompson

SYDNEY, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA, September 5, 2021 / -- Starting your own brand online can be nerve-racking and intimidating especially when you consider the nature of competition in your niche. However if you get it right, the doors to a luxury lifestyle is only one of the delights you will enjoy out of many. The prospect of a life of comfort and plenty was what motivated online branding guru, Mackenzie Thompson and it still does. We’ve been following him for some time and we try to replicate some of his moves online. Here are a few things we learnt from TheMacLyf.

•    Know your target market
Know your target market. Know who they are, where they are and what they like. If you know your target market, you will know how and when to market your products. TheMacLyf segments his market according to this order
•    Age
•    Sex
•    Region
•    Interest
•    Other important metrics

Targeting everyone is only going to end in tears. If you want to be successful, know your market and market the products they want through the right medium.

•    Know your competitors
The reason why @themaclyf has been so successful is because he not only understands the market he operates in, he also learns about his competitors to know what makes them tick. If your competitors are successful, there has to be a reason why. Find out what makes them so successful and replicate it. Understanding the motivation behind the choices their customers make is also important.

•    Differentiate your brand
Don’t wait until you have a following before you start to differentiate your brand. Starting early will set you up for long term success. From the beginning, Identify what makes your brand different from others and let your uniqueness influence all your moves; big and small. Your logo, ads, images and buzzwords should reflect your uniqueness.

Extra: We also noticed that @themaclyf personalises his brand by giving a face to it (his face). This move alone has earned him quite a reputation in the online marketplace so you might want to try that too.

Mackenzie Thompson
Global Ecommerce News
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