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Author and Zen Leader Joy Maitland Publishes Mindful First Book “From Alpha To Zen”

Executive Coach Brings Buddha into the Boardroom for Successful Leadership

LONDON, UK, May 18, 2021 / -- LONDON—May 18, 2021—Today, executive coach Joy Maitland announced the launch of her new book, “From Alpha To Zen – Leadership For A Brave New World.” The book brings Buddha into the boardroom, exploring a new, modern take on leadership styles and how leadership has evolved over time. Maitland investigates the characteristics of leaders who are the most effective and then drills down to why certain styles are optimal and some are negative. Maitland has discovered how to elicit genuine respect for empathy, success and performance.

“From Alpha To Zen” is a comprehensive guide to becoming the right sort of leader. It offers discussions on the nature of leadership and its evolution. The timing of the book’s release is auspicious. Now more than ever, understanding the characteristics of a great leader plus the connection between great leaders and those they lead is critical. Maitland brings unparalleled insight to growing trends and shifts in world events delving into dynamic and effective leadership, which can triumph.

“The issues the book dwells on revolve around the nature of leadership in nations, corporations and any type of organization,” said Maitland. “If we bridge leadership from the past to the present, it is apparent that in most cases, being a leader of quality and distinction is something that can only be learned through experience. Leadership skills don’t happen overnight, though some people are natural leaders. However, most people in positions of power learn skills from hard work, failing, failing again and then finding small successes that lead to valid, tangible results. While there are vastly different leadership styles that have evolved over time, there are some that clearly have a greater degree of effectiveness. The book discusses which styles win out.”

“From Alpha To Zen – Leadership For A Brave New World” is available at Audible as well as on Amazon at and Barnes and Noble at

Joy Maitland, Author
Inemmo Limited