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New 'virtual office' tech platform unites work-from-home and in-office employees

Yonderdesk gives HR teams and business leaders a way to manage and motivate the new 'hybrid' workforce

IRELAND, January 26, 2021 / -- Among the many problems that business leaders will face in 2021, trying to successfully manage a newly-dispersed workforce will be one of the most challenging.

During the first series of lockdowns in 2020, countless issues arose, including:

* Poor/inconsistent communications channels
* Feelings of isolation among remote workers
* Employees’ loss of unity with the brand and its values

As the pandemic eases, many experts predict that a new "hybrid" workplace will emerge, which will cater to both at-home and in-office employees.

However, very few people seem to agree on the best way to successfully manage this new hybrid workforce.

New tech startup Yonderdesk was developed to provide a solution by bridging the gap between at-home workers and those who are based in the office.

It unites all employees in a digital version of a company's existing premises.

Within this cloud-based digital workspace, every employee has their own desk or office, which can be tailored to their own preferences and locked when they are not there.

As employees’ duties change throughout the day, an avatar showing their location can be moved to wherever they are currently based – be that another colleague’s office, the boardroom, a breakout room or even a work canteen, where (optional) integration with food delivery services means that dispersed colleagues can even enjoy lunch together.

Says Ben Wainwright, Yonderdesk director: “Hybrid working enables people to work wherever they need to. This kind of autonomy is proven to influence productivity boosts among remote workers, with a culture of trust and empowerment improving both output and results. More freedom to work at your best means more of your best work.”

For managers and employees alike, Yonderdesk offers an instant visual snapshot of office life. More than this, it also helps to create a feeling of “togetherness” that has thus far been missing from the dispersed workforce experience.

By letting employees who work from home see themselves in the virtual workplace, Yonderdesk aims to help reduce feelings of isolation that surveys have shown more than 50% of remote workers feel.

The platform allows them to remain connected to both company and colleagues via branded conference rooms, HR offices and extra-curricular events such as live, virtual yoga sessions.

This article on the BBC Business website in January 2021 touches on how Yonderdesk aims to reduce staff feelings of isolation and build a sense of belonging.

Yonderdesk offers branded virtual reception desks (incorporating an AI-powered 'meet-and-greet' facility) for visitors to a company such as clients and customers. These help to create a sense of location that has been sorely absent during the pandemic.

Eminently customizable (GP rooms and virtual play areas for children are options being discussed with Yonderdesk’s very first clients), the platform has a number of other features and benefits that make it attractive to business leaders and HR teams looking to address the new hybrid approach to work. These include:

* Quarterly reports detailing the carbon footprint reduction that a business enjoys by using Yonderdesk (as opposed to having all of their employees commute in).

* Secure encryption of all comms/meeting channels.

* “Locked door” function for private meetings.

* Virtual hand raise in meetings and group Zoom chats.

* Branded conference room facilities and group colour scheme customization.

* Multi screen share.

* CSR obligations met in whole or in part with a percentage of every seat per month donated to charity.

Sums up Wainwright: “Yonderdesk is a low-cost, scalable solution that helps leaders to manage teams globally and brings connectedness and equality to team members no matter where they are based. It works whether you’ve a team of 10 or 10,000 and we believe it will help decision makers to write an exciting new playbook for their new hybrid workforce.”

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Ben Wainwright