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Hoyer Statement on the Electoral College Affirming the Results of the Election

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (MD) released the following statement today after the Electoral College convened in states across the nation to cast their votes for President and Vice President, formally concluding the 2020 election:

“Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have now crossed the 270-vote threshold to become the next President and Vice President of the United States. The 2020 election is now definitively over. It is time for Republican leaders who have refused to accept the results of the election to finally put country before party and end their baseless challenges to the outcome. We have real challenges ahead, and if Republicans truly care about building a stronger future for our country and its people, they will roll up their sleeves and get to work as partners with Democrats in Congress and with the next Administration to address them with the seriousness they deserve.  Peddling in false conspiracy theories that stoke their party's base for partisan advantage will only do further harm to our nation and our Constitution.

“The Democratic-led House is ready to work with the new Biden-Harris Administration in January to hit the ground running and deliver results to build back better from this pandemic and meet the many challenges we face as a nation. Now is a moment for unity and healing as we prepare for the hard work ahead.”