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Great America PAC to Run Powerful "Fracking Liars" Ad During Ohio State vs Penn State Football Game

Paid for by Great America PAC

A devastating new ad titled “Fracking Liars” will be run during the biggest college football game in Pennsylvania this weekend

President Trump’s path to re-election runs through Pennsylvania so that’s where our final efforts are focused.”
— Ed Rollins
ALEXANDRIA, VA, UNITED STATES, October 31, 2020 / -- Great America PAC, a leading pro-Trump Super PAC, and its Chairman Ed Rollins today announced its devastating new ad titled “Fracking Liars” will be run during the biggest college football game in Pennsylvania this weekend. Scheduled for Saturday evening, the Ohio State vs. Penn State game features two nationally ranked teams and is expected to draw a large viewership, especially in Pennsylvania. The hard-hitting “Fracking Liars” ad exposes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ dishonesty on fracking, which is a key issue in Pennsylvania.

“President Trump’s path to re-election runs through Pennsylvania so that’s where our final efforts are focused,” said Rollins. “Biden and Harris’ dishonestly on fracking is a compelling issue that will move undecided voters in the state. We are extremely proud to have raised and spent $45 million from 300,000 donors since the inception of our PAC. Our efforts have always been efficient, innovative, and provided meaningful impact. We believe they will help ensure a second victory for the President in 3 days.”

The powerful “Fracking Liars” ad, is being run during the Penn State game tomorrow as well as during the pre-game for the Philadelphia Eagle’s Sunday Night Football game.

Great America PAC is a leading pro-Trump Super PAC led by veteran Republican strategist, Ed Rollins. Since 2016, the group raised and spent $45 million in support of Donald Trump’s candidacy, presidency, and agenda. The group is one of the most active on the national political landscape, with over 300,000 contributors, broadcasting more than 30,000 TV spots and 300,000 radio ads, placing 30 million phone calls and text messages, sending over 2.5 million pieces of mail, and maintaining a file of millions of active, engaged Trump supporters across the country.

Leigh Beach
Great America PAC
+1 949.287.6150
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Fracking Liars