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Tom Nelson, West Hollywood’s Top Trainer, Examines LA’s Lockdown of All Gyms Amidst the Coronavirus Crisis

Tom Nelson


All Gyms Closed

Muscle Mechanics

“Considering the severity of the COVID-19 outbreak and its effect on the human population, I believe it is the right call.” – Tom Nelson

LOS ANGELES, CA, UNITED STATES, March 18, 2020 / -- As the global coronavirus outbreak continues to grow — with more than 175,000 cases reported worldwide — Southern California officials have ordered major shutdowns, including schools, restaurants, and theaters. Most notably, all gyms in LA are being forced to shutdown as well, which is causing some health professionals concern. But is shutting down all gyms a good or bad idea when you think about how quickly this virus is spreading?

Tom Nelson, West Hollywood’s top Trainer and recent winner of the Best of Los Angeles Award- “Best Gym in Los Angeles - 2020”, has much to say on the dire state LA is in regarding a mass closure of all gyms due to the coronavirus.

“As the owner of Muscle Mechanics, it is not easy being told I have to shut my doors for a couple of weeks,” states Tom Nelson. “However, considering the severity of the COVID-19 outbreak and its effect on the human population, I believe it is the right call.”

The coronavirus outbreak, which began in China, keeps evolving at a dizzying speed. With the global case toll rising steeply, face masks flying off store shelves, and borders around the world closing, it’s no wonder questions and fears are swirling about Covid-19, as the disease is known.

On March 11, the WHO declared the outbreak a pandemic, a new disease that has spread around the world. In addition to the United States, many other countries have seen reported cases of the virus rise within their borders — including South Korea, Italy, and Iran. LA is just the newest of cities to be on full lockdown due to the mass spread of the virus. Tom Nelson believes the public has been heavily fearful of what is to come next and as such, many people are suffering due to shortages of supplies linked to mass hysteria.

“The public went into a buying scare and everything from hand sanitizer to toilet paper is backordered for months. A couple of weeks of lockdown will give the virus time to run its course and give everyone a chance to settle down. So, I fully support Mayor Garcetti's order,” states Tom Nelson.

With consumers panicking — buying toilet paper, hand sanitizer and other personal hygiene items, there is a mass shortage of supplies for everyone else. People across the country have been buying in excess due to fear of the virus and not knowing how long lockdowns will last. However, this is creating even more stress as others are now unable to buy necessities and shortages will remain here until companies can find a way to make more products and ship them off quickly again. The situation is at such a bad point that there is now an underground network of scalpers and gougers re-selling personal hygiene items at vastly inflated prices.

It seems that Tom Nelson is optimistic that things will settle down eventually. While the closure of all gyms may seem inconvenient, it will help in the long run and it is only a matter of time before things get back to normal. Let us all hope things settle down quicker rather than letter.


Tom Nelson

Tom Nelson is West Hollywood’s top Trainer and owner of Muscle Mechanics. He is always accepting training clients at the new facility. Muscle Mechanics is a gym that is completely private, fully stocked with commercial quality exercise equipment and has some of the best views in the valley.

Tom has been a fitness enthusiast his entire life but decided to make it his career 15 years ago. In that time, Tom scored the highest in the history of the ISSA certification board, built the largest Private Training Facility in Los Angeles and have been named West Hollywood’s Top Trainer by his peers in the fitness industry. He has also had an outstanding record as a bodybuilding and figure trainer that is unequalled in the industry – 5 first place wins for men in bodybuilding and 16 first place wins for women in figure contests.

As opposed to simply being a Fitness Trainer, Tom considers himself to be a Fitness Teacher. In all his years as a Fitness Teacher and Nutrition Specialist, Tom has learned that the more someone understands about what they are trying to accomplish, the more successful they will be at it. So, instead of simply telling you what to do in each session, Tom teaches you how to exercise properly, which means you learn the most effective, efficient and safest ways to exercise.

In addition, he will teach you “everything” you need to know about nutrition and how to apply that knowledge to your life. Tom is one of the most sought-after Nutrition Specialists in the Los Angeles area, and has developed a system (patent pending) that simplifies nutrition so anyone can understand it. You will know exactly what to eat, and when, in order to accomplish any goal you set for yourself. You will also understand how to effectively “cheat” on your nutrition plan with absolutely no guilt.

Tom is one of the most sought-after Nutrition Specialists and Trainers in the Los Angeles area. His goal is to reach as many people as he can to spread his message of fitness and nutrition. “While my achievements are very public and well documented, it is my lesser known accomplishments that are the most rewarding: helping many people lose over 100 pounds; providing nutritional guidance that can reverse illness and disease; improving quality of life for seniors; sponsoring Olympic and Paralympic Athletes; and, of course, the volunteer work that I do,” states Tom Nelson. “These are the things that make my job and life interesting, challenging, fun and rewarding!”

To book a personal training session with Tom, please contact here:

Muscle Mechanics

Phone: 323-944-0858

Aurora DeRose
Michael Levine Media
+1 951-870-0099
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