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Hoyer Statement on Court Rulings in Congressional Oversight Cases

WASHINGTON, DC – House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD) issued the following statement on yesterday’s District Court ruling that Don McGahn must testify before Congress and the Supreme Court's temporary ruling in the Mazars case:

“These two cases concern more than the details of President Trump’s egregious behavior; they concern the supremacy of our Constitution and the rule of law. No one is above the law, as our courts have affirmed again and again, and no president can ignore the will of Congress, a co-equal branch of government charged with conducting oversight. Our Founders insisted that power not reside in a single leader but be shared among the people’s representatives and those elected to execute the laws they make. 

“House Democrats will continue to do our duty to the Constitution and to the country. We will insist on uncovering all the facts, on transparency, and on accountability. President Trump has betrayed the public trust and continues to obstruct the process of bringing the truth to light and securing justice for the American people.”