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President reaffirms commitment to improve social conditions

Cazombo, ANGOLA, September 12 - The President of the Republic, João Lourenço, reaffirmed Thursday, in Cazombo, Alto Zambeze municipality, Moxico province, the Government's commitment to improving the living quality in the municipalities.,

Addressing the population of Cazombo, during his two-day visit to the province of Moxico, he recalled the slogan "Life begins in the municipalities" and urged the rulers to work more in the localities.


Among the applause, João Lourenço said that the first projects under the Integrated Municipal Intervention Program (PIIM) begin in Cazombo.


The Angolan head of state confirmed that the Executive has available the financial resources for the implementation of PIIM, a program that foresees the realization of 236 projects of communication vias.


He said in his speech that more resources were needed to solve the problems of roads, bridges, electricity, drinking water, health and education.


he believes that by solving problems in these areas, employment issues would be resolved by absorbing the labor force by the designated sectors.


President João Lourenço arrived in the middle of Thursday morning in Cazombo, Alto Zambeze municipal headquarters, beginning of the working visit to the province of Moxico (East Angola).


On Friday, the Angolan statesman visits Camanongue in order to inaugurate the Municipal Hospital.


On the same day, João Lourenço presides, in Luena, the opening of the Agriculture Forum, to which national and foreign businessmen are invited, especially the businessmen from neighboring countries, besides the diplomatic corps accredited in Angola.


Among other activities taking place in Moxico, a meeting of the Social Concertation Council is also scheduled.
