There were 681 press releases posted in the last 24 hours and 400,332 in the last 365 days.


Legislative Program – 51600 | Floor Information – 57400 | Whip Information – 63210   MONDAY, MAY 20, 2019 On Monday, the House will meet at 12:00 p.m. for Morning Hour debate and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business, with votes postponed until 6:30 p.m.

Suspensions (7 bills)

  1. H.R. 2116 – Global Fragility Act (Rep. Engel – Foreign Affairs)
  2. H.R. 615 – Refugee Sanitation Facility Safety Act of 2019 (Rep. Meng – Foreign Affairs)
  3. H.R. 1359 – Digital Global Access Policy Act of 2019 (Rep. Wright – Foreign Affairs)
  4. H.R. 1952 – Intercountry Adoption Information Act of 2019, as amended (Rep. Collins (GA) – Foreign Affairs)
  5. H.R. 753 – Global Electoral Exchange Act of 2019 (Rep. Castro – Foreign Affairs)
  6. H.Res. 106 – Denouncing female genital mutilation/cutting as a violation of the human rights of women and girls and urging the international community and the Federal Government to increase efforts to eliminate the harmful practice (Rep. Frankel – Foreign Affairs)
  7. H.R. 2480 – Stronger Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, as amended (Rep. Schrier – Education and Labor) 
TUESDAY, MAY 21, 2019 AND THE BALANCE OF THE WEEK On Tuesday and Wednesday, the House will meet at 10:00 a.m. for Morning Hour debate and 12:00 p.m. for legislative business. On Thursday, the House will meet at 9:00 a.m. for legislative business, with last votes expected no later than 3:00 p.m. On Friday, no votes are expected in the House.

Suspensions (9 bills)

  1. H.R. 2359 – Whole Veteran Act (Rep. Lamb – Veterans’ Affairs)
  2. H.R. 1947 – To amend title 38, United States Code, to exempt transfers of funds from Federal agencies to the Department of Veterans Affairs for nonprofit corporations established under subchapter IV of chapter 73 of such title from certain provisions of the Economy Act, as amended (Rep. Roe – Veterans’ Affairs)
  3. H.R. 1812Vet Center Eligibility Expansion Act (Rep. Roe – Veterans’ Affairs)
  4. H.R. 2326 – Navy Seal Chief Petty Officer William "Bill" Mulder (Ret.) Transition Improvement Act of 2019 (Rep. Levin (CA) – Veterans’ Affairs)
  5. H.R. 2333 – Support for Suicide Prevention Coordinators Act (Rep. Brindisi – Veterans’ Affairs)
  6. H.R. 2340 – FIGHT Veteran Suicide Act (Rep. Rose (NY) – Veterans’ Affairs)
  7. H.R. 1200 – Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-living Adjustment Act of 2019 (Rep. Luria – Veterans’ Affairs)
  8. H.R. 2372 – Veterans’ Care Quality Transparency Act (Rep. Underwood – Veterans’ Affairs)
  9. H.R. 2045 – Veterans’ Education, Transition, and Opportunity Prioritization Plan Act of 2019 (Rep. Wenstrup – Veterans’ Affairs)
H.R. 1500 – Consumers First Act (Rep. Waters – Financial Services) (Subject to a Rule)

H.R. 1994Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement Act of 2019 (Rep. Neal – Ways and Means) (Subject to a Rule)