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Grupo Elektra Reports 15% Growth in Operating Profit to Ps.3,677 Million in 4Q17

—EBITDA increases 10% to Ps.4,284 million during the period—

—Solid performance in both commercial and financial businesses generates
increase of 15% in consolidated revenues, to Ps.27,087 million—

—Consolidated gross portfolio grows 12%, to Ps.93,652 million—

—Company debt, without consolidating the financial business,
  decreases 18%, to Ps.13,464 million—

MEXICO CITY, Feb. 20, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Grupo Elektra, S.A.B. de C.V. (BMV:ELEKTRA)* (Latibex:XEKT), Latin America’s leading specialty retailer and financial services company and the largest non-bank provider of cash advance services in the United States, reported today financial results for the fourth quarter of 2017 and full year 2017.

Consolidated fourth quarter results

Consolidated revenue was Ps.27,087 million in the period, 15% above the Ps.23,508 million for the same quarter of previous year. Costs and operating expenses were Ps.22,803 million, compared to Ps.19,620 million for the same period of 2016.

As a result, Grupo Elektra reported EBITDA of Ps.4,284 million, 10% higher than the Ps.3,887 million of the previous year’s quarter; EBITDA margin was 16% this period.

Operating profit grew 15% to Ps.3,677 million during the quarter, from Ps.3,207 million in same period of 2016.

The company reported net income of Ps.902 million, compared to net income of Ps.2,924 million a year ago.

    4Q 2016   4Q 2017   Change
      Ps. %
Consolidated revenue $23,508 $27,087 $3,580 15%
EBITDA   $3,887 $4,284 $397 10%
Operating profit $3,207
Net result $2,924 $902 $(2,022) -69%
Net result per share $12.53 $3.90 $(8.63) -69%

Figures in millions of pesos
EBITDA: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization.
As of December 31, 2016, Elektra* outstanding shares were 233.3 million and as of December 31, 2017, were 231.3 million.


Consolidated revenue increased 15%, as a result of 17% and 13% growth in both financial revenues and commercial sales, respectively.

The increase in commercial division sales  ̶ to Ps.11,119 million compared to Ps.9,801 million last year ̶  reflects strategies that focus on generating optimum value propositions for the customers, through lines of merchandise that best meet their needs, with world-class service and under the most competitive market conditions.
In the lasts quarters, these strategies have an additional boost with the launch of a new, larger store format, which includes a greater selection of goods and services to satisfy a growing number of families. In October, Grupo Elektra also launched its omnichannel strategy, with its online store, through which hundreds of thousands of products are sold, at unparalleled prices, from any device and at all times, and further strengthens the company's business operations.

The increase in financial revenue  ̶ to Ps.15,968 million from Ps.13,706 million from the previous year ̶   reflects mainly a 21% growth in revenue of Banco Azteca Mexico.

Costs and expenses

Consolidated costs for the quarter increased 28% to Ps.11,965 million, from Ps.9,320 million in the previous year, as a result of a 17% increase in commercial costs, in line with the increase in commercial revenue, and 56% growth in financial cost. The increase in the financial cost results from the creation of loan-loss provisions and higher interest payments, in line with higher market interest rates, as well as increased deposits at Banco Azteca.

Sales, administration and promotion expenses increased 5% to Ps.10,838 million, as a result of higher operation and maintenance costs. Expenses grew slower than consolidated revenue, reflecting strong strategies that drive the company's operating efficiency.

EBITDA and net result

EBITDA grew 10% to Ps.4,284 million this quarter. Operating income increased 15% to Ps.3,677 million, from Ps.3,207 million for the same quarter of 2016.

The most significant variations below EBITDA were the following:

A growth of Ps.427 million in foreign exchange gains, mainly due to a higher net asset position in dollars, compared to the previous year —resulting from the prepayment of US$230 million of dollar-denominated bonds in the period.

A negative variation of Ps.2,852 million in other financial results —which reflects a 15% reduction this quarter in the market value of the underlying assets of financial instruments held by the company, and that does not imply cash flow— in comparison with a 5% increase a year ago. Congruent with this, the negative variation in this item was partially offset by a decrease in the provision of taxes.

An increase of Ps.485 million in loss from the result of subsidiaries, derived from the recognition of the company's participation in CASA.

An increase of Ps.896 million in the impairment account of intangible assets due to the obsolescence recognition of certain system developments at Advance America this year, compared to income due to partial reversal of the deterioration of brands and licenses registered the previous year.

Grupo Elektra reported net income of Ps.902 million, compared to net income of Ps.2,924 million a year ago.

Unconsolidated balance sheet

A proforma exercise of the balance sheet of Grupo Elektra is presented, which allows visualizing the non-consolidated financial situation, excluding the net assets of the financial business, whose investment is valued in this case under the equity method.

This presentation shows the debt of the company —without considering the immediate and term deposits of Banco Azteca, which do not constitute debt with cost for Grupo Elektra.

This provides greater clarity about the situation of the different businesses that make up the company, and will allow participants in the financial markets to make estimates of the value of the company, considering only the relevant debt for such calculations.

Congruent with that, debt with cost was Ps.13,464 million at the end of 2017, 18% below the Ps.16,410 million of the previous year. The balance of cash and cash equivalents was Ps.15,574 million; as a result, the net cash balance excluding the amount of debt with cost at the end of 2017 was favorable at Ps.2,110 million.

As previously announced, in the period, senior notes for US$230 million due in 2018 were prepaid; through such amortization, the company eliminated dollar-denominated bonds. The transaction reflects the firm strategy of Grupo Elektra to further strengthen its solid capital structure.

The company's equity increased 19% to Ps.70,217 million, while the total liabilities decreased 4% to Ps.37,452 million. The ratio of stockholders' equity to total liabilities is 1.9 times.

  As of Dec.
As of Dec. Change
  31, 2016 31, 2017 Ps. %
Cash & marketable fin. instr.
Other current assets
Financial instruments
Accounts receivables
Investment in shares
Fixed assets
Other assets

Total assets




Short-term debt
Other short-term liabilities
Long-term debt
Other long-term liabilities

Total liabilities





Stockholder´s equity





Liabilities and equity





Figures in millions of pesos

Consolidated balance sheet

Loan portfolio and deposits

Banco Azteca Mexico, Advance America and Banco Azteca Latin America’s consolidated gross portfolio as of December 31, 2017 grew 12% to Ps.93,652 million, from Ps.83,477 million for the previous year. Consolidated delinquency rate was 4.7% at the end of the period, compared to 3.4% in the previous year.

The gross portfolio of Banco Azteca Mexico grew 13% to Ps.76,740 million, from Ps.67,743 million a year ago.

The delinquency rate for the bank at the end of the quarter was 4.2%, from 2.6% for the previous year. Past-due loan portfolio is reserved 2.2 times, which reflects a past-due portfolio of Ps.3,238 million, in comparison to allowance for credit risks of Ps.7,230 million in balance, as of December 31, 2017.

The average term of the credit portfolio for principal credit lines – consumer, personal loans and Tarjeta Azteca – was 63 weeks at the end of the fourth quarter.

Grupo Elektra consolidated deposits were Ps.109,373 million, 4% higher than the Ps.105,124 million a year ago. Deposits of Banco Azteca Mexico were Ps.108,654 million, 7% higher than the Ps.101,718 million a year ago. 

As of December 31, 2017, the estimated capitalization index of Banco Azteca Mexico was 16.7%.


Grupo Elektra currently has 7,139 points of contact, compared to 7,396 units a year ago. The reduction is a result of strategies to focus on maximizing profitability of such units.

These strategies involve replacing contact points with the most profitable formats. During the year, this resulted in 56 new Elektra stores at strategic points across Mexico, with greater exhibition area, which increase the offer of products and services, and thereby maximize customer shopping experiences.

The company has 4,440 points of contact in Mexico, 2,048 in the United States, and 651 in Central and South America. The extensive distribution network allows the company to maintain close contact with clients, granting superior market positioning in the countries where it operates.

Twelve month results

Total consolidated revenue in 2017 grew 17% to Ps.94,979 million, from Ps.81,242 million for 2016, boosted by 18% and 15% growth in both financial and commercial businesses, respectively.

EBITDA was Ps.16,754 million, 20% higher than the Ps.13,988 million for the same period a year ago; the EBITDA margin for 2017 was 18%, one percentage point above the prior year. Operating profit grew 26% to Ps.14,437 million during the period.

The company reported net income of Ps.15,228 million, compared to Ps.5,334 million a year ago, mainly due an appreciation this period in the market value of underlying financial instruments that the company holds, which doesn’t imply cash flow, compared to depreciation the prior year.

      2016  2017 Change
      Ps. %
Consolidated revenue $81,242 $94,979 $13,738 17%
EBITDA   $13,988 $16,754 $2,766 20%
Operating profit $11,422 $14,437 $3,015 26%
Net result $5,334 $15,398 $10,064 ----
Net result per share $22.86 $66.57 $43.71 ----

Figures in millions of pesos
EBITDA: Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization.
As of December 31, 2016, Elektra* outstanding shares were 233.3 million and as of December 31, 2017, were 231.3 million.

Company Profile:

Grupo Elektra is Latin America’s leading financial services company and specialty retailer and the largest non-bank provider of cash advance services in the United States.  The group operates more than 7,000 points of contact in Mexico, the United States, Guatemala, Honduras, Peru, Panama and El Salvador.

Grupo Elektra is a Grupo Salinas company (, a group of dynamic, fast-growing, and technologically advanced companies focused on creating shareholder value, contributing to build the middle class of the countries in which they operate and improving society through excellence. Created by Mexican entrepreneur Ricardo B. Salinas (, Grupo Salinas operates as a management development and decision forum for the top leaders of member companies. The companies include TV Azteca (;, Grupo Elektra (, Banco Azteca (, Advance America (, Afore Azteca (, Seguros Azteca (, Totalplay ( and Totalplay Empresarial ( Each of the Grupo Salinas companies operates independently, with its own management, board of directors and shareholders. Grupo Salinas has no equity holdings. However, the member companies share a common vision, values and strategies for achieving rapid growth, superior results and world-class performance.

Investor Relations:

Bruno Rangel
Grupo Salinas
Tel. +52 (55) 1720-9167 
  Rolando Villarreal
Grupo Elektra, S.A.B. de C.V.
Tel. +52 (55) 1720-9167

Press Relations

Luciano Pascoe
Grupo Salinas
Tel. +52 (55) 1720-1313 ext. 36553
  Daniel McCosh
Grupo Salinas
Tel. +52 (55) 1720-0059

      4Q16   4Q17   Change    
    Financial income   13,706   58 %     15,968   59 %     2,262   17 %    
    Commercial income   9,801   42 %     11,119   41 %     1,318   13 %    
    Income   23,508   100 %     27,087   100 %     3,580   15 %    
    Financial cost   2,754   12 %     4,293   16 %     1,539   56 %    
    Commercial cost   6,566   28 %     7,671   28 %     1,105   17 %    
    Costs   9,320   40 %     11,965   44 %     2,644   28 %    
    Gross income   14,187   60 %     15,123   56 %     936   7 %    
    Sales, administration and promotion expenses   10,300   44 %     10,838   40 %     538   5 %    
    EBITDA    3,887   17 %     4,284   16 %     397   10 %    
    Depreciation and amortization   742   3 %     626   2 %     (117 ) -16 %    
    Other income, net   (62 ) 0 %     (19 ) 0 %     43   70 %    
    Operating income   3,207   14 %     3,677   14 %     471   15 %    
    Comprehensive financial result:                    
      Interest income   181   1 %     300   1 %     119   66 %    
      Interest expense   (520 ) -2 %     (352 ) -1 %     168   32 %    
      Foreign exchange gain, net   469   2 %     896   3 %     427   91 %    
      Other financial results, net   297   1 %     (2,555 ) -9 %     (2,852 ) ----    
        428   2 %     (1,710 ) -6 %     (2,137 ) ----    
    Participation  in  the  net  income of                    
    CASA and other associated companies   (21 ) 0 %     (506 ) -2 %     (485 ) ----    
    Income before income tax   3,614   15 %     1,462   5 %     (2,152 ) -60 %    
    Income tax   (1,282 ) -5 %     (209 ) -1 %     1,073   84 %    
    Income before discontinued operations   2,332   10 %     1,253   5 %     (1,079 ) -46 %    
    Result from discontinued operations    (60 ) 0 %     (108 ) 0 %     (48 ) -81 %    
    Impairment of intangible assets   652   3 %     (243 ) -1 %     (896 ) ----    
    Consolidated net income    2,924   12 %     902   3 %     (2,022 ) -69 %    


      12M16   12M17   Change    
    Financial income   50,207   62 %     59,366   63 %     9,159   18 %    
    Commercial income   31,035   38 %     35,614   37 %     4,579   15 %    
    Income   81,242   100 %     94,979   100 %     13,738   17 %    
    Financial cost   10,318   13 %     13,254   14 %     2,936   28 %    
    Commercial cost   20,354   25 %     23,989   25 %     3,635   18 %    
    Costs   30,671   38 %     37,243   39 %     6,571   21 %    
    Gross income   50,570   62 %     57,737   61 %     7,166   14 %    
    Sales, administration and promotion expenses   36,582   45 %     40,982   43 %     4,400   12 %    
    EBITDA    13,988   17 %     16,754   18 %     2,766   20 %    
    Depreciation and amortization   2,617   3 %     2,270   2 %     (347 ) -13 %    
    Other (income) expense, net   (51 ) 0 %     47   0 %     98   ----    
    Operating Income   11,422   14 %     14,437   15 %     3,015   26 %    
    Comprehensive financial result:                    
      Interest income   835   1 %     731   1 %     (104 ) -12 %    
      Interest expense   (1,527 ) -2 %     (1,493 ) -2 %     33   2 %    
      Foreign exchange gain (loss), net   796   1 %     (317 ) 0 %     (1,114 ) ----    
      Other financial results, net   (3,677 ) -5 %     9,297   10 %     12,974   ----    
        (3,572 ) -4 %     8,217   9 %     11,790   ----    
    Participation  in  the  net  income of                    
    CASA and other associated companies   (638 ) -1 %     (526 ) -1 %     112   18 %    
    Income before income tax   7,211   9 %     22,128   23 %     14,917   207 %    
    Income tax   (2,401 ) -3 %     (6,167 ) -6 %     (3,766 ) -157 %    
    Income before discontinued operations   4,810   6 %     15,961   17 %     11,151   232 %    
    Result from discontinued operations    (128 ) 0 %     (311 ) 0 %     (184 ) -144 %    
    Impairment of intangible assets   652   1 %     (251 ) 0 %     (904 ) ----    
    Consolidated net income    5,334   7 %     15,398   16 %     10,064   189 %    

    At December 30, 2016   At December 30, 2017      
  Cash and cash equivalents   2,586   21,526   24,112     4,174   21,433   25,607     1,495   6 %  
  Marketable financial instruments   14,628   41,770   56,398     11,400   44,282   55,682     (716 ) -1 %  
  Performing loan portfolio   -    55,129   55,129     -    61,727   61,727     6,598   12 %  
  Total past-due loans   -    2,704   2,704     -    4,133   4,133     1,429   53 %  
  Gross loan portfolio   -    57,833   57,833     -    65,860   65,860     8,027   14 %  
  Allowance for credit risks   -    6,847   6,847     -    8,243   8,243     1,396   20 %  
  Loan portfolio, net   -    50,986   50,986     -    57,617   57,617     6,630   13 %  
  Inventories   7,208   -   7,208     9,257   -   9,257     2,049   28 %  
  Other current assets    7,355   9,692   17,048     7,654   9,638   17,292     244   1 %  
  Total current assets   31,776   123,975   155,751     32,485   132,970   165,454     9,703   6 %  
  Financial instruments   18,437   337   18,775     17,819   324   18,144     (631 ) -3 %  
  Performing loan portfolio   -    25,530   25,530     -    27,513   27,513     1,983   8 %  
  Total past-due loans   -    114   114     -    279   279     165   144 %  
  Gross loan portfolio   -    25,644   25,644     -    27,792   27,792     2,148   8 %  
  Allowance for credit risks   -    -    -      -    734   734     734   n.a.  
  Loan portfolio   -    25,644   25,644     -    27,058   27,058     1,414   6 %  
  Other non-current assets    -    672   672     5,099   672   5,771     5,099   ----  
  Investment in shares   2,727   -    2,727     2,125   -    2,125     (602 ) -22 %  
  Property, furniture, equipment and                      
    investment in stores, net   3,717   2,888   6,605     5,189   3,165   8,354     1,750   26 %  
  Intangible assets   664   6,934   7,598     661   6,700   7,361     (236 ) -3 %  
  Other assets   1,109   348   1,457     813   270   1,083     (374 ) -26 %  
  TOTAL ASSETS   58,431   160,799   219,229     64,191   171,159   235,351     16,121   7 %  
  Demand and term deposits   -   105,124   105,124     -   109,373   109,373     4,249   4 %  
  Creditors from repurchase agreements   -   4,200   4,200     -   7,122   7,122     2,922   70 %  
  Short-term debt   2,876   411   3,287     3,217   615   3,832     545   ----  
  Short-term liabilities with cost   2,876   109,735   112,611     3,217   117,110   120,326     7,716   7 %  
  Suppliers and other short-term liabilities   12,353   8,321   20,675     15,334   9,699   25,033     4,358   21 %  
  Short-term liabilities without cost   12,353   8,321   20,675     15,334   9,699   25,033     4,358   21 %  
  Total short-term liabilities   15,229   118,056   133,285     18,550   126,809   145,359     12,074   9 %  
  Long-term debt   12,903   2,089   14,992     9,659   1,025   10,684     (4,308 ) -29 %  
  Long-term liabilities with cost   12,903   2,089   14,992     9,659   1,025   10,684     (4,308 ) -29 %  
  Long-term liabilities without cost   7,093   4,783   11,877     5,833   3,257   9,090     (2,786 ) -23 %  
  Total long-term liabilities   19,997   6,872   26,869     15,493   4,282   19,775     (7,094 ) -26 %  
  TOTAL LIABILITIES   35,226   124,927   160,154     34,043   131,091   165,134     4,980   3 %  
  TOTAL STOCKHOLDERS' EQUITY   23,205   35,871   59,076     30,149   40,068   70,217     11,141   19 %  
  LIABILITIES + EQUITY   58,431   160,799   219,229     64,191   171,159   235,351     16,121   7 %  

    4Q16   4Q17   Change  
  Points of sale in Mexico                  
  Elektra    995 13 %     1,051 15 %     56   6 %  
  Salinas y Rocha    50 1 %     47 1 %     (3 ) -6 %  
  Banco Azteca   1,244 17 %     1,282 18 %     38   3 %  
  Freestanding branches   2,313 31 %     2,060 29 %     (253 ) -11 %  
  Total   4,602 62 %     4,440 62 %     (162 ) -4 %  
  Points of sale in Central and South America                  
  Elektra    167 2 %     165 2 %     (2 ) -1 %  
  Banco Azteca   167 2 %     165 2 %     (2 ) -1 %  
  Freestanding branches   355 5 %     321 4 %     (34 ) -10 %  
  Total   689 9 %     651 9 %     (38 ) -6 %  
  Points of sale in North America                  
  Advance America   2,105 28 %     2,048 29 %     (57 ) -3 %  
  Total   2,105 28 %     2,048 29 %     (57 ) -3 %  
  TOTAL   7,396 100 %     7,139 100 %     (257 ) -3 %  
  Floor space (m²)   1,500 100 %     1,592 100 %     92   6 %  
  Mexico   50,152 77 %     57,445 80 %     7,293   15 %  
  Central and South America   8,838 14 %     8,928 12 %     90   1 %  
  North America   5,947 9 %     5,714 8 %     (233 ) -4 %  
  Total employees   64,937 100 %     72,087 100 %     7,150   11 %  

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