NPR and the Jonathan Carey Foundation Expose Sexual Assault Epidemic

Enough is Enough, the sexual assaults and rapes of our most vulnerable women and children with disabilities must be stopped and no longer can 911 emergency call centers be bypassed. It is time that the wide-scale discrimination and civil rights violations end now

Exposing the epidemic and scourge of massive rapes & sexual assaults of women and children with disabilities is for dramatic reforms to be finally put in place

Without question, sexual assaults and rapes of our most vulnerable women and children with disabilities is an epidemic that can no longer be ignored by government and church leaders”
— Michael Carey - Advocate for people with disabilities and their families
ALBANY, NEW YORK, UNITED STATES, January 10, 2018 / -- Rape and sexual assault of women and children are crimes and they must be handled as crimes. Unless sexual predators are caught, arrested, prosecuted and placed on a lifelong sexual abuse registry these criminals will continue to rape and destroy many more lives. This is an international societal problem that both Church and government leaders must finally work together to dramatically reduce. One thing is for sure, looking the other way and pretending these shameful acts and cover-ups of most reported rapes are not occurring is a travesty and solves nothing.

NPR has just begun to release their series of investigative reports regarding sexual assaults and rapes of people with disabilities. NPR claims that federal records reveal that these sexual assaults of the disabled happen seven times more than for any other group of people. The investigative series is titled “Abused and betrayed: people with intellectual disabilities and an epidemic of sexual assault.”

The first of the series also has an extremely powerful radio clip, please click on the link to listen and learn of the horrors that are going on behind closed doors.

The Sexual Assault Epidemic No One Talks About

In this exposé, NPR mentions the same New York State caregiver and pedophile that the Jonathan Carey Foundation has been speaking about for many months. In a nutshell, this man was sexually assaulting and filming at least one boy that he was supposed to be taking care of in a New York State operated group home. Thankfully, he was caught and convicted and will be in jail for a very long time, but it is what this pedophile said, in his own words, that must be heard loud and clear;

"The lack of supervision there made it easy to do what I did," DeProspero said in a handwritten affidavit obtained by The Associated Press. "I could have stayed in that house for years and abused him every day without anybody even noticing at all. It was a predator's dream."

It was a predator's dream': NY pays $3M to family of molested boy

This extremely disturbing statement made by this pedophile speaks volumes of Governor Andrew Cuomo’s mental health care system. The sad fact is that in 2011 the New York Times did a massive investigative reporting series called “Abused and Used”, which Michael Carey convinced the Times to do, that should have catapulted vital reforms, but they were never implemented by Governor Cuomo. The rampant abuse and neglect has only gotten worse because most sexual predators and abusers know they can practically do anything, with anyone, and get away with it.

Governor Cuomo took no emergency actions to immediately protect people with disabilities from being sexually abused or hold their predators accountable following the award winning New York Times “Abused and Used” investigative reporting series that became a runner up for a Pulitzer Prize.

The New York Times Editorial Board, two and a half years later, blasted Governor Cuomo for refusing to ensure the most basic actions were taken to protect the disabled from sexual assaults, rapes and all types of abuse or premature death.

The New York Times Editorial is titled, “Protecting the Most Vulnerable”.

Here are a couple of extremely damning quotes from this Editorial;

“Two-and-a-half years ago, The Times reported horrifying abuse of people with developmental disabilities or mental illnesses by state employees, who were rarely punished for it. Gov. Andrew Cuomo promised action. But too little appears to have changed.”

“There is much the governor could do. He could require surveillance cameras in these facilities, just as prisons have them. He could make sure that the police get more involved.”

It is because vital reforms and basic safety and abuse prevention measures have not been put in place yet, both the Jonathan Carey Foundation and NPR must continue to report on and expose shameful sexual atrocities going on behind closed doors. The questions everyone should be asking is why are the basic abuse prevention tools such as cameras not being put in place to deter sex crimes from occurring or to acquire the critical evidence of these crimes, so they can be successfully prosecuted? Why are these sexual assaults and rapes not being immediately reported to 911 emergency call centers so that independent first responder medical personnel and law enforcement officers can respond to help the victim and catch the sexual predators? Simple fixes that Civil and Disability Rights Advocate, Michael Carey, and the New York Times have called for will, without question, dramatically reduce these most heinous sex crimes and the cover-ups that follow.

Here are the next three NPR “Abused and Betrayed” investigative reports that speak volumes about the staggering sexual assaults of our most vulnerable;

For Some with Intellectual Disabilities, Ending Abuse Starts With Sex Ed

NPR Investigation Finds Hidden Epidemic of Sexual Assault

'She Can't Tell Us What's Wrong'

The Jonathan Carey Foundation has been doing the investigative research and reporting on these atrocities for years similar to what the Boston Globe has done. Michael Carey, the founder, has worked night and day to bring the truth to light so that precious people with disabilities will finally be protected from these sexual predators and pedophiles. What happened within the Catholic Church pedophile sex cover-up scandal is almost identical to the sexual assault and cover-up scandal within mental health agencies and group homes for people with disabilities. Our citizens with disabilities are far more vulnerable to sexual assault and rape for a number of reasons, including the fact that many are non-verbal and cannot tell anyone that someone is raping them.

“Without question, sexual assaults and rapes of our most vulnerable women and children with disabilities is an epidemic that can no longer be ignored by government and church leaders. As the founder of the Jonathan Carey Foundation, I have been shouting this truth from the rooftops for many years. It is time we not only talk about this evil that is occurring on the international level, but that we take dramatic actions to stop this evil and prosecute all sexual predators, as well as everyone that protects and enables them. People that prey on our most vulnerable women and children with disabilities are very sick individuals, they are criminals, and they must be stopped and held accountable to the full extent of the law.” - Michael Carey

No longer can 911 call systems, local police and local courts be bypassed and these sex crimes covered-up. 911 call systems must be immediately called by all mandated reporters regarding all sexual assaults and rapes, as well as obviously all other assault crimes, medical emergencies and deaths.

Currently, in New York State, by the directive of Governor Andrew Cuomo, almost all reported sexual assaults and rapes of people with disabilities disappear internally; they are covered-up. These gross injustices must be stopped and all sexual predators, pedophiles and rapists taking advantage of our most vulnerable must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law and finally placed on an international sex abuse registry that easily can be created. These are discrimination and civil rights matters similar to what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. fought against. People with disabilities are equally valuable members in society and can no longer be treated as lower class citizens, unworthy of being protected from sexual assaults, or unworthy of immediate 911 emergency assistance and services.

Please do what God puts in your heart to do to help stop these atrocities and please donate to support this vital Civil Rights Movement. Thank you.

If you have any tips or knowledge of sexual assaults, rapes, deaths or cover-ups please call the Jonathan Carey Foundation sexual abuse & death tip hotline @ (518) 475-7500

Michael Carey
The Jonathan Carey Foundation
(518) 852-9377
email us here

The incredible life and tragic preventable death of Jonathan Carey, who was disabled, had autism, was non-verbal & only 13 when he was killed by his caregivers

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