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Global Biofuel Market Continue to be Dominated by United States and Brazil Together, Finds New Market Research Report

Global Biofuel Market Forecast 2021

Global Biofuel Market Forecast 2021

Global Biofuel Market Forecast by Fuel Type 2021

Global Biofuel Market Forecast by Fuel Type 2021

Global Biofuel Market Forecast by Geography 2021

Global Biofuel Market Forecast by Geography 2021

Global Biofuel Market Research Report 2021 (By Fuel Type, Application and Geography) is now available from

Bio-Derived Jet Fuel is the fastest growing segment with an estimated five year CAGR of 12.14% and is expected to reach production volume of 284 million gallons by 2021”
LEWES, DELAWARE, DELAWARE, UNITED STATES, November 14, 2017 / -- The global Biofuel market is one which is expected to grow in the future due to the huge amount of demand placed on renewable energy. The amount of usable conventional sources of energy are decreasing and mandates are being issued by government to reduce production of non-renewable energy due to large amount of pollution caused.

The objective of this research study is to understand the current Biofuel market across the world and to estimate the growth rate for the next 5 years. The report covers the detailed analysis of 10 companies- their value chain, financial performance, and forecast, Business strategy, SWOT analysis which are involved in cultivation and production of Biofuels and having presence across different regions of the world. The details of the company and certifications are also mentioned in this report.

The global Biofuel market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.57% by the year 2021. The end users of Biofuel are automobile users and fuel driven machine users. Ethanol, Biodiesel, BioDME, Biobutanol and Bio derived Jet fuels are the major Biofuels produced in that order globally. Increasing demand for cleaner sources of energy, Lower emission levels in consumption, short production cycle required for renewable resources, Global awareness about environment protection, Government mandates and Diversification and reduction in dependency of exports are the key factors which will drive the growth of this industry.

This report concludes by analyzing the industry through PESTLE, porters 5 forces and SWOT, discusses the challenges faced by the new players entering the industry and present and future trends observed. Strategic recommendations are also discussed separately and in detail for policy maker, end users, service providers and investors in the report.

What this report covers:
Biofuel Industry Forecast by Product Type:
• Ethanol
• Biodiesel
• BioDME
• Biobutanol
• Bio derived Jet fuels

Biofuel Industry Forecast by Applications
• Transportation and Aviation
• Others

Bio Fuel market forecast by Geography:
• North America
• Latin and South America
• Europe
• Asia Pacific
• Rest of the world

Companies Covered in this report:
• Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)
• Green Plains Inc. (US)
• Valero Energy Corporation (US)
• Cosan (Brazil)
• Pacific Ethanol (US)
• Neste (Finland)
• Renewable Energy Group Inc. (US)
• Amyris (US)
• Future Fuel Corp (US)
• Gevo Inc. (US)

Scope of Report
• This report provides a detailed view of global Biofuel market with the current market value as well as projections for future market potential and growth rate.
• This report identifies the need for Biofuel production globally.
• This report provides detailed information on the value chain as well as the different market segments and their segment wise market share and growth potential.
• This report provides detailed information on product wise growth forecasts for Biofuel market globally by 2021.
• This report identifies the growth drivers and inhibitors for Biofuel market globally.
• This study also identifies policies related to Biofuel market globally.
• This report identifies various credit, policy and technical risks associated with Biofuel market globally.
• This report has detailed profiles of 10 key players in the world in Biofuel industry covering their business strategy, financial performance, future forecasts and SWOT analysis
• This report covers in detail the competitive landscape in detail of global Biofuel market.
• This report identifies the key industry bodies and associations and their role in global Biofuel market.
• This report provides PESTLE (political, economic, social, technological, legal and environmental) analysis for global Biofuel market.
• This report provides porters five forces analysis for global Biofuel market
• This report provides SWOT (strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) analysis for global Biofuel market

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Sudeep Chakravarty
Market Research Reports Inc.
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